Chapter -13

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Author's POV

Everyone was really shocked to hear this news... Everyone tried to call Khun Khan but couldn't contact him... The bodyguards bought the milk bottle and Pete sat on the couch and adjusted the baby in his lap and started feeding him... Macao came and sat next to him looking at the kid... So did Nop and Sin...

Macao: I think he really is our dad's kid... Look at his eyes... It's the same as Hia's...

Everyone looked at the baby then at Vegas... Who was sitting opposite to them and glaring at them....

Sin: You are right.... He has both of your facial features.... His cheeks look like yours....

Macao touched his cheek and looked at the baby...

Macao: I think you are right....
Vegas: No matter if he is our dad's kid or not... He is not staying here.... I'll throw him out in the morning....

Vegas sternly said.... But then...

Pete: What do you mean?

Pete looked at Vegas with a worried face...

Pete: No... I won't let you throw him out...

Vegas sighed and looked at Pete...

Vegas: I'm not going to throw him out okay? I'm sending him to an orphanage...

Pete's eyebrows knitted together... He was angry hearing his words and at the same time sad...

Pete: No... He is staying with us... I won't let him go... Just look at him... He is just a few months old... How can you do this to him? He is a baby Vegas...
Vegas: Pete Listen to me....
Pete: I won't....
Macao: Let him stay Hia... He is our brother... Our brother and look he is so cute and young....
Pete: Please Vegas let him stay....

Macao and Pete tried to make Vegas change his decision.... Even the Bodyguards looked at him with a pleading look to keep the child....Vegas looked at him and at everyone and rubbed his face with his hands and glared at Pete.... He was really annoyed and angry..

Vegas: No Means No And That's Final!!!!!....

Vegas yelled at Pete and then he got up and went to his room leaving Everyone downstairs....

Vegas's POV

So what if it's a child... It's my father's mistress Child... We can't keep him here... I can see how Pete is looking at that little thing with so much love... I don't want that thing here... And now Macao? He too wants to keep it.... No that's not happening.... He is leaving today itself.....

After some time....

It's already morning but Pete didn't came back to room last night and I heard that thing crying earlier... I have to deal with it soon..... After getting dressed I went downstairs.... I saw Nop and Sin getting Breakfast ready on the table.... Macao is with them... But I couldn't find Pete with them....

Vegas: Where is Pete?

As I asked them... They put their fingers in front of their mouth and asked me to keep quite... I was confused.... Then Macao came to me and grabbed my hand and asked me to keep quite and took me towards the couch.... And what I saw on the couch made my heart felt warm... Pete was sleeping on the couch and the little thing was peacefully sleeping on his chest.... Pete's hands were holding him protectively... As if someone will steal him from him... I don't know but I couldn't help but smile at the scene in front of me... After that we went to have breakfast together....

Vegas: Why is he sleeping there?
Sin: The baby had a small fever last night.... He was crying and kicking up a fuss...
Macao: We thought we would take turns taking care of him but he won't let go of P'Pete....
Nop: All of us tried to Pick him up from Pete but he will start crying once he is away from Pete and when Pete picks him up he calms down....
Sin: So in the end... Pete was talking care of him... He kept rocking him and walking until he fell asleep and Pete also fell asleep on the couch....
Nop: Seems like the kid likes Pete...
Sin: I think he feels protected when he is with Pete... Pete raised Ruby since she was born.. She always says that when she is in his arms she feels protected... She feels safe.... I think the same goes for the baby too...
Macao: I also feel like that when I am with him... P'Pete has a charm that makes everyone like him...

He sure does.... Then many things came to my mind... How I first saw him... When I saw him with his so called daughter... His eyes and smile when he is with kids... He really loves them.... I was in my thoughts when Macao spoke again...

Macao: Hia... Can we keep him? Please... Look P'Pete loves him... I love him... Everyone here loves him... Please... He is our brother... Please....

I looked at them... And the Bodyguards... All were giving me a pleading puppy eyes look....

Vegas: Fine... We will wait till dad comes..
Macao: Thank you Hia....

I saw how everyone's face turned happy... They were smiling.... Just then Pete came with that little thing in his hands.... Pete was looking really worried...

Pete: He is having a high fever.... We have to take him to a hospital.... Fast...
Vegas: I'll take you let's go....

I said and got up from my seat...

Pete: Macao go to dad's room and try to get his hair....
Macao: For what Phii?
Pete: I'll tell you later okay... We will go first... You guys can come after okay?
Sin: Okay....

After that me and Pete got on the car and went to the hospital.... All the way to the hospital I saw how worried Pete was... He didn't take his eyes off from the bundle in his hands... In the end we reached the hospital and the doctor checked on him...

Dr: From what you have said... He might have caught the fever when he was laying outside... It's not serious he will be fine in 2 days....
Pete: How old is he doctor?
Dr: 5 months I guess... Since he is so young it will be a trouble to handle him when he is sick... So you have to take good care of him and feed him his food and medicines on time...
Pete: Okay doctor... Thank you for your help.....

After that Macao and the others came and we have dad's hair and the little thing's sample for a DNA test... After that we came home.... Pete took a few days off from work and stayed home... I came back from work in the evening and I saw Pete cooking and a bodyguard standing beside Pete carrying that little thing in his hand.... Pete saw me but didn't say anything.... I felt a bit bad seeing him ignoring me... He hasn't talked to me ever since I yelled at him... I think he is angry at me... I shouldn't have yelled at him like that.... I went to my changed my clothes and came down.. I saw Nop, Sin and some other bodyguards sitting on the floor on a mat with some toys in their hands and the little thing's laying on the middle looking at them and giggling.... I saw Pete sitting on the couch looking at them he looks tired.... I went towards him he saw me but he then avoided me... I sat beside him and leaned on his shoulder and rested my head on his shoulder he didn't move or say anything not even looked at me... I nuzzled on his neck and placed a kiss there.. he moved my face away with hand.... I held his hand in mine and turned his face towards me... But he kept turning his face away from me not looking into my eyes in the end I cupped his face with my hands and made him look at me...

Vegas: I'm sorry Pete.... I'm really sorry... Don't be mad...

He kept looking at me but didn't say anything...

Vegas: Baby... I'm sorry... Please talk to me... Don't ignore me like this please... Baby...

He closed his eyes for a second and looked at me then he nodded his head...

Pete: Okay Vegas... I was just hurt by your behaviour... But since you agreed to keep him I won't be mad anymore.... Moreover my dear hubby apologiesed to me.... Then how can I say no to my big baby....

He smiled at me... Then gave me a peck on my lips... I was happy seeing his smile...

Sin: See I told you they would make up soon.... They are literally whipped for each other....

Just then I saw all of them looking at me and Pete and giggling....

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