chapter -3

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(On their wedding day.... All the guests have some for the ceremony.... Porsche and Pete are getting ready in the same room...)

Porsche: Do I look fat?
Pete: No... How do I look?
Sin: Chubby...
Pete: Did anyone ask you?
Sin: Can I say my opinion..?
Pete: Fuck you asshole!!!.
Chay: enough Both of you... You guys look handsome....
Pat: Kids It's time....

(Pete and Porsche take a deep breath and follow their dad... They can see their soon to be husbands standing on the stage.... Kinn and Vegas are looking stunning in their wedding suit.... Pete and Porsche got on the stage and stood in front of them... The first couple was Kinnporsche)

Kinn: I do...
Porsche: I do...

(The next couple was VegasPete..)

Guy: Do you take Pete as your lawfully wedded husband?
Vegas: I do...
Guy: Do you take Vegas as your lawfully wedded husband?
Pete: I do...
Guy: I annouce you guys husbands... Now both the couples may kiss...
Pete: Kiss?

(Porsche pulled Kinn and kissed his lips.... Pete is feeling a bit awkward because he has never been close to Vegas.... Vegas slides a hand on Pete's waist and the other on his cheek and presses his lip onto Pete's.... Vegas soft lips nippling on Pete's and he opens his mouth a bit and gives access to Vegas and suck on both his upper and lower lips and then they break their kiss... Everyone cheers for them and the rest of the ceremony continues....)

(Night at the Minor Mansion... Vegas is talking with his father in the office... Pete is Vegas room because he is tired from all ceremony.... Pete enters the room and gets a shower... He then lays down on the bed and waits for Vegas but he falls asleep because he is too tired.... After a while Pete hears some sounds and he moves but he can't... He opens his eyes and sees that both his hands are chained to the bed and he is laying naked facing the ceiling...)

Pete: What the hell is going on?
Vegas: Did i wake you?
Pete: Vegas what are you doing? Let me free...
Vegas: Free not Pete we are going to have fun... I mean you are...

(Vegas gives a sinister smile.... )

Pete: Vegas... Let me go...
Vegas: I'll let you go... But first answer my questions...
Pete: what questions?
Veags: Why did you agree to marry me?
Pete: Because of my father...
Vegas: Your father? He told you and you just obeyed him
Pete: Yeh...
Vegas: So you take me as a fool Pete?
Pete: I'm tell you the truth...
Vegas: Fine.. what do you want from me money? Property?
Pete: I don't want anything from you....
Vegas: You know what Pete you are pissing me... I hate you Pete... I don't love you.... I don't fucking want to marry you... If my father didn't threnten me with my lover I wouldn't have even looke md at you...
Pete: Lover?
Vegas: Don't play innocent Pete... I know... This is all your and my father's plan to control me... But I won't let that happen...
Pete: Vegas.. I'm telling you the truth... I didn't know you had a lover... If I know I wouldn't habe agreed to this marriage...
Vegas: ENOUGH!!!

(Vegas face is red with anger)

Vegas: My dad send him afar because of you now you are going to pay for it...

(Vegas removes his belt...)

Pete: Vegas No... I'm telling you the truth...

(Vegas lands a hard smash on Pete with the belt... Pete screams... Vegas continues to hurt Pete like a Manic... After a while Vegas stops... Tears are flowing from Pete's eyes.... His whole body is covered with wounds... His chest.. his thighs.... His hands... His legs... Blood is flowing from his wounds...)

Vegas: This is just the beginning Pete... There is more coming for you... And one more thing... No one's going to save you Pete... You know it... As far as I know your father... If someone gets to know this it will only hurt them Pete...

(Vegas unlocks the Chain and Kicks Pete... He falls on the floor...)

Vegas: Wear your clothes and from today onwards you are sleeping on the floor don't you dare lay on the couch or bed...

(Saying this Vegas gets on the bed... Pete has no energy to move... He was already tired and now getting beaten up like this.. he can't we turn....)

(In the Morning Pete wakes up... His whole body is hurting... He sees Vegas sleeping peacefully on the bed... Pete takes the towel and goes to the bathroom... He opens the shower... His wounds started burning when contacted with water.... He washes off all the dry blood on his body and then dries himself and treats his wounds... Then he is looking at his reflection on the mirror)

Pete: Why is this happening to me? Was what I got home not enough that I'm getting tortured here too? Why doesn't he trust me? I'm also a victim just like him... I'm sure he knew all this... He can see me living peaceful.... Why dad? Why do you hate me so much?

(Pete doesn't realise that he was crying while saying all these words... He then washed his face and went downstairs...)

Macao: P'Pete...

(Macao hugged Pete giving a bunny smile... Macao is squeezing Pete's wounds but Pete didn't say anything he just endured the Pain....)

Pete: Don't you have class today?
Macao: I do... But i don't want to go...
Pete: why?
Macao: I want to stay with you...
Khan: He is not going anywhere...
Pete: He is right...
Macao: But...
Pete: How about this.. after breakfast I'll send you to University... Okay?
Macao: Will you send me everyday?
Pete: I will..okay?
Macao: Okay... By the way... Where is Hia?
Pete: He is not awake yet...
Vegas: Who said I'm not...
Macao: Hia... P'Pete is going to send me to university everyday....
Vegas: You seem to be very happy having him here...
Macao: Ofcourse I'm.... If it weren't for me you wouldn't have got to marry him... Dad like Phi because of me...

(Vegas looks at Pete... Pete ignores him...)

Khan: Come let's have breakfast or else you guys will be late....

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