Chapter -26

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Author's POV

Khan was gone... Vegas and Macau hugged their father... The doctor left the room... Pete was standing beside him with Venice in his arms looking at him.... After that Macao went to Pete and hugged him... Macao needs him.. Pete, he is Macao's safe zone since the time he knew him... After a while Macao fell asleep so did Venice... They were still in the hospital... The Major family was arranging for the funeral... Pete made both Macao and Venice comfortable on the couch and went outside.... He went outside and saw Arm and Sin...

Arm: Nop and Mike went to the Mansion to help with the funeral...
Pete: They are sleeping.. stay with them...
Sin: Where are you going?
Pete: To make a call...

Sin and Arm went inside... Pete went out  and saw  Vegas on his way who was sitting on the bench and trying to call someone who was not picking up his call... Pete didn't mind him and went out to the balcony of the hospital.... He looked at the busy city in front of him.... He sighed and took his phone and made a call....

(On call)

Pete: Hey...
Vin: How did it go?
Pete: He is gone...
Alice: Are you okay?
Pete: I am okay... I guess... It felt like I lost something... But Since it's not my first time losing something I can bear it...
Vin: So what are you going to do? Are you going to proceed with your plan?
Pete: I'm but.. not now... After a while... After Dad Khan's funeral...
Alice: Okay... Take your time... You don't have to worry about us... We Will deal with the things here... And.. Take care of yourself...
Vin: We will be waiting for you... bye...
Pete: Bye...

(Call end)

Pete looked outside once again and he went back.... He heard some noise and went to that direction... He saw Vegas punching the wall with all his might... He understood that Vegas was suffocating, he needed to let out his emotions.... If it was before Pete would have rushed towards him and hugged him to calm him down and stopped him from hurting himself but not this time... He just stared at Vegas... After a few more punches Vegas legs gave up and he fell on the floor.... Pete leaned on the wall and just watched Vegas with a calm face like it didn't matter to him... Vegas finally noticed Pete's presence....

Vegas: Are you happy seeing me like this?
Pete: Want to hear the truth?

Both of them didn't say anything.... Vegas's just stared at his lap and Pete looked at him...

Pete: Trust me I would love to see you helpless and in pain but not like this...

Vegas looked at Pete who was still looking at him with a bored expression....

Pete: You lost your father.... Your family... The person you looked up to... The person who loved me as a son... I will never enjoy seeing you in pain for him...Because he is a great man and a great father... You don't even know how much he loves you.. He is proud to have a son like you... Because he knows that he raised a great Man... Your dad told me these in the past... If you want to cry just cry.... And The only time I'll be happy seeing you in Pain is when I am the one who is hurting you...

Pete gave a smile to him and turned to go back....

Pete: Don't try to act strong and keep it inside.... let it out you will feel better... Take your time but not too long... Macao needs you... Your clan needs you and your wife needs you... I'm not comforting you.. I want you to get over it soon... So that I can do what I want without holding back and Don't worry I will make sure that I'll enjoy it and be happy....

Pete left after saying that.... Leaving Vegas there on the floor...

Vegas's POV

I don't know what to do... I feel lost... I am trying to call Tawan but he is not picking up... He didn't even take anyone with him and I don't know where he went....I kept calling him but he didn't pick up... It's making me frustrated.... I got up and went towards the corner so that no one can see me... I punched the wall... I feel lost... I don't know what to do... I lost him.... I fell on the floor... That's when I realised that I am not alone...

Vegas: Are you happy seeing me like this?
Pete: Want to hear the truth?

Pete's voice was cold... I've never heard him talk like this... We both didn't talk...

Pete: Trust me I would love to see you helpless and in pain but not like this...

I was taken aback by his words... I looked at him... Pete told me about what my father told him about me in the past... Although his last words were a threat I felt better... I felt at ease... Pete gave me a smile... I know it's not his real smile but I really want to see his smile... The one filled with love and care.. I know his smile can calm me.... He turned to go back but he stopped... He talked without facing me... He said he is not comforting me but his words comforted me... I don't know why but When he said "wife" for a split second I thought he was talking about himself and I felt good but then reality hit me and I realised whom he is talking about.. He said he will come for me... I'll wait for him... I want to see what he can do... I punished him for what he did to me and now he is asking for more...He left.... I can't understand my feelings towards him... I haven't seen him for a long time... The moment my eyes met his I knew that he has changed there is nothing in it for me except hatred but even though he came for my family... But he is also the one who took my family from me... Macao and Venice they hate me and now my father he left me.... The only person now I have to call mine is Tawan but he is nowhere to be found... Just as I was thinking about Tawan I got a call from him...

(On call)

Vegas: where are you? Why didn't you pick up my call?
Tawan: I came to have lunch with my friends and I didn't check my phone...

Vegas could hear some noise from Tawan's side...

Girl: Hey come on Tawan let's do some shopping....
Tawan: Comeing....
Vegas: Where are you?
Tawan: I came to do some shopping.... By the way why did you call me?
Vegas: I'm in the hospital....
Tawan: What happened? Did you get injured?
Vegas: No.. I didn't... Dad...he...
Tawan: What happened to him?
Vegas: He was attacked.... He is gone....
Tawan: Ohh No!!! really? It's so sad... I didn't even get a chance to get close to him...
Vegas: It's okay... Anyway you are my wife... You are family....And you will always be....
Tawan: I'll be there once I am done with shopping.... I've to go now they are calling me....

(Call end)

What was that? That's it? He didn't ask me anything after knowing about dad? He didn't ask me how I am? He didn't even say anything to comfort me... His behaviour hurts me... I feel like I'm not important to him... No I shouldn't think like that he went through so much just because he loves me.... He has always loved me and I shouldn't question his love for me but I still feel empty and sad... I just kept looking at the photo of me and my family in my phone... Tawan was not in it but Pete was with the rest of my family... It was the same photo that was in my room.... My heart aches... I don't know what is happening.....

Author's POV

(Meanwhile Tawan....)

Tawan: Finally....that old lag is out of picture now I can live the life I want with luxury.... And a henpecked husband of mine who won't say No to me even if I make him go bankrupt.... I have to tell Mr.Mat about this....

Tawan called Mat many times but he didn't pick up....

Tawan: this old lag is not picking up his phone as always..... Forget him!! I should celebrate the happy news.... Let's buy the whole mall!!!!

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