Chapter - 25

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Author's POV

(After a year)

Vegas was working in his office in the company when suddenly a guard braged in.... The guard looked terrified.... He looked at Vegas....

Guard: Khun Vegas.... Khun Khan....

Vegas got up hearing his dad's name...

Guard: He was attacked.... He is in the hospital right now...
Vegas: Get the car....

Vegas hurrily went out and got into the car.... He kept calling Tawan but he didn't pick up... So in the end he left a message... Telling him about the incident...

(At the hospital)

As Vegas reached the Hospital.... He saw all the family members in front of the operation theatre.... Vegas went towards them....

Vegas: What the hell happened?
Kinn: Uncle was coming back from his meeting when he was attacked.... He got shot....
Vegas: How is he?
Kinn: His operation is going on... He was shot multiple times....

Vegas was worried and furious thinking about his Dad... He looked at Macao who was sitting between Arm and Sin... Venice was in Macao's lap who kept wiping Macao's tears.... Just then the door opened and the doctor came out....

Korn: How is he doctor?
Dr: I am sorry to tell you this but.... He only has a few hours left...
Vegas: No my dad can't....

Tears filled Vegas's eyes...

Dr:We did our best there is nothing we could do anymore... We are sorry for your loss.... You can meet him later...

The doctor left after that.... Macao was crying hard in Arm's embrace who kept caressing his hair.... Vegas sat on a chair silent not talking with tear filled eyes...
After a while everyone went to see him... He was lying on the bed in his hospital clothes like a normal patient... If they didn't knew the truth they would think that he was admitted for a flu or something.... He smiled seeing everyone.... Macao sat beside him with Venice... Khan wiped the tears from Macao's eyes and patted Venice's head....

Vegas: Dad...

Khan looked at his other side and saw Vegas.... He held Vegas's hands in his....

Korn: Did the doctor tell you?
Khan: Yes he did...

Everyone had tears in their eyes.... Khan looked at all of them with a smile... Kinn bought Pheonix close to him and he caressed the baby's cheeks...

Khan: I sure am lucky....
Macao: what do you mean?

Everyone was confused hearing his words...

Khan: At least I got to see my whole family before my death...
Macao: Dad...

Macao cried hearing his words....

Khan: I even have a grandchild.... I don't think I have any regret other than one...
Vegas: What is it Dad? I'll fulfill it for you...
Khan: Pete... I wish I could see him before I leave...

Everyone got silent.... They didn't know where Pete is... After he left he never contacted anyone... Not even Arm or Sin... So no one knew where he was...

Khan: My only regret is no getting a chance to see him before I die...
Vegas: Dad I....
Sin: He is here....

Sin didn't let Vegas continue his sentence.... Everyone looked at Sin with surprise....

Sin: He texted me Yesterday.... Saying that he will be back tomorrow... That's the first message I got after he left all this time...  When I got to know about your incident I told him about it... He just landed in Bangkok he is on his way here.....
Porsche: Why didn't you tell us?
Sin: He told me not to... He wanted to give a surprise....
Khan: See... I'm really lucky....

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