chapter -8

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(Next morning.... Pete woke up and he realized that someone was hugging him... He opened his eyes and saw Vegas handsome face... Pete caresses Vegas's face  gently then he tries to get up but Vegas pulls him to a hug....)

Vegas: Don't go... Let's sleep for some more time...
Pete: But I have to make breakfast...
Vegas: The maids will do it...
Pete: Macao will look for me...
Vegas: We are newly married and he will understand... Now sleep...

(Vegas pulls Pete toward his chest and hugs him... Pete is confused... The person who was trying every way to hurt him has been so nice to him since last night...They even kissed.... Pete was lost in his thoughts when someone knocked on the door...)

Nop: Sir breakfast is ready... Everyone is waiting for you...
Vegas: Tell them to start without us... We will be there soon....

(Pete got up and so did Vegas...)

Pete: You should go and freshen up...
Vegas: What about you?
Pete: I can't take a bath... Sin will come and help me wipe my body and freshen up....
Vegas: I'll do it...
Pete: What? No need to bother...
Vegas: What bother? You are my husband...

(Pete blushes hearing Vegas Calling him husband and Vegas smiles seeing Pete red... Vegas then helped Pete to freshen up and both went downstairs for breakfast and saw everyone having breakfast....)

Khan: Pete..  i heard what happened last night... How are you now?
Pete: I'm good Dad... Thanks for asking...
Macao: I'll take a leave and take care of you P'Pete...
Vegas: No need... I can take care of my husband...

(Hearing this Pete, Sin and Nop choked on their food.... Sin and Nop looked at each other and then at Pete and they looked at Vegas who was getting food for Pete...)

Sin:(whispers) Did he hit his head somewhere?
Nop:(whispers)Don't know...
Sin:(Whispers) Is this his new method to hurt him?
Nop:(whispers) Maybe or Maybe not... What If he really fell for Pete?
Sin:(whispers) Really? Or the world is coming to an end?
Nop:(whispers) I think it is....

(Both of them chuckle... Pete sees both of them whispering and smiling... Pete gets really happy seeing them getting close.... Vegas sees Pete smiling and stares at his dimple... Without thinking about anything Vegas bites on Pete's dimple.... There is a sudden silence... Pete is completely red.... Macao giggles, Sin and Nop are stunned and Khan coughs.... Seeing everyone's reaction Vegas realised what he had done..)

Khan: I appreciate your love but there are others beside you don't forget...
Vegas: Sorry dad...
Macao: Why are you saying sorry? It was cute... Even I sometimes want to bite his cheeks....
Vegas: You dare.. he is mine...
Macao: So what I met him first... He was mine first then yours...
Vegas: But he is my husband... My wife

(Hearing Vegas Calling him Wife Pete choked on his food...)

Vegas: You okay Pete? Have some water....

(After that everyone continues their breakfast and Khan and Macao went to the office and School.. Sin accompanied Nop for other business.. Vegas and Pete were left in the house...)

(Vegas was searching for Pete when the BG told him he went to the study which was also Vegas's office.... Vegas opens the door and sees Pete tip toing on the book shelf)

Vegas: What are you doing here?
Pete: Ohh... I'm sorry... I was looking for some books to read... I'll leave now...

(Pete was about to leave but Vegas held his hand and pulled him closer and picked him up and made him sit on the table and stood in between his legs with his hands on Pete's waist....)

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