Chapter -19

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Author's POV

(After 3 months.... In the Major Mansion)

Pete is dressing up baby Phoenix while Venice is sitting in Porsche's lap looking at Pete and the baby....

Porsche: Venice... Who is cuter the baby or your Pa'Pete?

Venice started giggling....

Venice: Pa Pete is cute...
Porsche: Brat... You only have eyes for your Pa... Pete your son is obsessed with you....

Porsche looked at Pete with an annoyed expression... Pete chuckled...

Pete: I know... He loves me so much... Don't be jealous Porsche...
Porsche: Hey... Who do you think Phoenix will like Me or Kinn?
Pete: He will love you both Porsche... Venice spends most of his time with me... Vegas rarely gets time to spend with him and even during then both of them fights with eachother... That's why he is close to me... But in your case... I know both of you will cherish every moment with the baby.... So he will love you both....

Porsche felt relieved after hearing Pete and he smiled....

Venice: Pa..Porsche...
Porsche: What is he trying to say?

Porsche looked at Pete who was laughing hearing Venice...

Pete: He is saying that you are jealous of the baby....
Porsche: Who said I'm jealous of my son?

Porsche got embarassed and glared at Pete...

Pete: Isn't it obvious? You are jealous because you think Kinn is spending more time with the baby than you.... Even Venice can understand....

Pete started laughing loudly making Porsche more embarassed..

Porsche: Even Venice can understand but that dickhead can't....

Porsche mumbled....

Pete: Porsche don't curse in front of kids... They pick up these words faster than anything else....
Porsche: Okay... I'm sorry... I didn't realise what I said...

Pete got the baby dressed and took him in his arms and sat beside Porsche... Both the kids were in their Pa's arms looking at each other.... Venice was looking at the baby with love... While the baby was smiling at Venice...

Pete: Porsche... You don't have to be jealous of your baby... You know how much Kinn loves you... He is a bit too caring about the baby because he is  small...  He is just a 3 month old baby Porsche... But you know what it's normal to feel like this... When Ruby was born Alice was really jealous of her... Not just her... Even Vegas... You have seen him... He is jealous of everyone around me even Macao... But that doesn't change the love I have for him or anyone....
Porsche: You are right...
Pete: If you want I can stay here and take care of Phoenix for a few days so that you can spend time with Kinn...
Porsche: No it's okay Pete... I Don't want to make you tired moreover Vegas is not with you and you have kids to take care of...
Kinn: Is my big baby jealous?

Both of them looked at Kinn who was standing by the door...

Porsche: Since when are you standing there?
Kinn: Since Venice said you are jealous....
Porsche: Kinn!!! How could you eavesdrop on our conversation?

Porsche yelled at Kinn because he was embarrassed... Pete chuckled so did Kinn..

Kinn: It's our room... I can come in whenever I want and I didn't eavesdrop.... I just accidentally heard you guys...

Kinn said trying to make up some excuses...

Pete: You are saying that you accidentally heard us talking for like 10 minutes??

Pete raised an eyebrow at Kinn who glared at Pete...

Kinn: Pete you are not helping....

Pete laughed at Kinn's annoyed sound... Porsche glared at him... Kinn came towards Porsche and sat beside him and hugged him and kissed his cheek...

Pete: Please be mindful of your surroundings.... I'm still here and there are kids...

Pete said making a disgusting face... While both Kinn and Porsche glared at him...

Kinn: You!! I thought I'll never say this but I miss Vegas... If he was here he would have been sticking beside you.. and would have left us alone....

Porsche and Pete both laughed at him...

Porsche: By the way... Has he called yet? When is he coming back?
Pete: No... It's been a month.. He hasn't called me since he left... He told me not to call him and to leave messages.... He reads my messages but doesn't reply....

Pete's mood changed thinking about Vegas... He missed him... He missed him so much... It's been a month since Vegas left for a business trip.... He said it was an important one just like the one his Dad went for... But it's been almost 2 years but his Dad hasn't come back yet... He calls occasionally but he hasn't come back yet...

Porsche: Have you told him yet?
Pete: No...
Kinn: Just tell him... Trust me he will be back in a day after knowing it...

Pete's eyes turned sad and he looked at the baby in his arms... He smiled at it sadly...

Pete: That's why I'm not telling him....
Porsche: What do you mean?
Pete: He is busy with an important work and I don't want him to leave it and come to me.. I can wait for him... I can wait for him no matter how much time he takes....

Porsche and Kinn looked at each other and then at Pete who was just smiling at baby...  They know how much Pete misses him... Ever since their marriage.... Vegas has been glued to Pete... And now not having him by his side makes Pete uneasy... He missed him... He wants him by his side more than ever...

Pete: I just hope he is safe and he finishes his work fast and comes back to me... Comes back to his family...
Kinn: Don't worry.... That possessive dog can't bare to stay away from you for long... He will come back soon...
Porsche: yes.. it's just been a month he will be back soon...

Pete looked at both of them and nodded his head.....

(After a while at the Minor Mansion)

Pete's POV

After talking with Kinn and Porsche... I felt a bit relieved... I miss Vegas so much... I just hope he is okay... He must be missing me too... I came back to the Minor Mansion with Venice and Mike and I saw Sin and Macao playing video games and two others looking at them with so much love... Venice rushed Mike to go towards Macao because he also wants to play with them... So both he and Mike went there... I just stood there looking at all of them... I am so happy to be a part of this family... I'm happy that Sin and Arm found their love... I'm happy to have Nop and Mike... Nop is like a big brother for all of them... Everyone listens to him... Arm is the smart one.. he keeps them away from trouble and Macao and Sin are the partners in crime... They make trouble and Nop and Arm helps them... And about Mike... He is like Venice's dadda... Mike is like a mature guy who doesn't talk much but once you get close to him you will realise that he is just like a child... He is a year younger than me and I love him as a younger brother... Venice is like his world for him... Ever Since Venice came into this house he has been by his side taking care of him... He was always excited to learn how to take care of Venice.... As for Venice... He is trouble... He is like a nightmare for everyone because he is too naughty and likes to make trouble for everyone.... He is an energetic child... He doesn't listen to anyone other than me or Mike and he is at odds with Vegas... Because Vegas always tries to come in between me and Him and He does the same when I'm with Vegas.... I still remember how cold this house felt when I just came here after getting married but now.... It feels warm... I can smell love in the air around here.... Having them all by my side makes me think about Vegas less but I still miss him.... Came back soon Vegas... Your wife misses you... I have a surprise for you Vegas... Please be safe and come back to me soon... I love you my Vegas...

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