chapter -15

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Author's POV

Pete was having a hard time with the vibrator... He was trying to finish his work as soon as possible.... Arm looked at him and went towards him and stood by his side...

Arm: Your face is red... Are you having a fever?
Pete: No... I don't think so...

Arm put his hand on Pete's forehead and was checking his temperature when the door to the office opened and Vegas came in... He was Arm and Pete standing close with Arm's hand in Pete's forehead....

Vegas: what are you guys doing?
Pete: Working...
Vegas: Working like this?

Vegas pointed at Arm's hand....

Arm: His face is red... I was checking if he has a fever...

Vegas smirked... And Pete glared at him...

Vegas: Are you done with your work Arm?
Arm: Yeh...
Vegas: Then you can head back home... Me and Pete will be there later...

Arm looked at Vegas then at Pete...

Arm: Do you need me or should I go?
Pete: You can go... I'll come back with Vegas...
Arm: Okay then...

Arm then got his things and left the office... Vegas locked at the room after he left and sat on the couch... Pete didn't look at him... He was still working on the documents...

Vegas: What are you doing?
Pete: Can't you see?

Pete was irritated and Vegas was happy with the reaction... Vegas then increased the speed to a high level... Pete suddenly slamed the table... He was breathing heavily... His face flushed....

Pete: are y...ou

Pete couldn't help... His words were coming out his mouth like moans... Vegas got up and went to Pete and stood infront of him and leaned towards his face...

Vegas: I told you baby to behave... But you didn't... How can you let anyone else touch to when you are like this?
Pete: But you...... Made me like....this...

Pete was having a hard time forming his words.... Vegas was having hard time as well.... Ever since he entered his office he was hard because of Pete's flushed face... Pete's face and Voice alone makes Vegas hard... Now his moans were making it hard for him to control...

Pete: Please Vegas....
Vegas: Please what Pete? I told you I need words or I can't understand you...
Pete: I'm sorry.... for ignoring you....I can't take.... It.... Anymore... Please Vegas...

That's it... Vegas got what he wanted and he slammed his lips into Pete's like his life depends on them.... Pete returned the kiss.. Both of them were kissing eachother like there is no tomorrow.... Vegas picked Pete up and made him sit on the table without breaking the kiss... Vegas started taking Pete's shirt off so did Pete.... Vegas started sucking and biting Pete's neck.... Both of them were naked in seconds... Vegas picked Pete up and while biting and sucking his lips... Pete locked his legs on Vegas's waist... Vegas sat on the couch with Pete on his lap kissing him and his hands started pinching Pete's nipples earing a whine and moan from Pete...

Vegas: you like it when I play with your nipples right baby?
Pete: I like it Vegas....

They crashed their lips again... Vegas left hand was on Pete's nipples while the other went to his back and started rubbing his entrance....

Pete: Vegas...
Vegas: Yes baby...
Pete: Take it out.... I want you.... I want you Vegas...

Vegas grinned and bit Pete's lip hard and his fingers that were in his entrance went in and took out the vibrator....

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