Where the Story Begins (1)

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Stellas POV

"Im pregnant" I repeat to grant holding the pregnancy test, he slowly takes it from me a little shaky, his shocked face turning into a grin as he looks at the test then up at me. 

I instantly feel his arms wrap around me as he spins us both around "We're having a baby" I hear him say as I look down at him, I smile and nod as I grab his face and kiss him, he gently puts me down as he kisses me back. 

"I have some good news too" he says as he grabs his bag he put down when he came in and pulls out a pile of papers that are all stapled together in the corner. he straightens them out and hands it to me "Its a 3 year contract deal with a record company" he says as I read through it roughly

"What....is this legit" I say as I keep flicking through the pages 

"yeah, a deal has been made and signed off,  we have already started recording the album and I met with my manager who had a listen to my demos and she is already getting me booked in with for small gigs around the country. now she said they wont be big arena sell out gigs but every one starts somewhere" he says as I grin at him and hug him "Im so proud of you" I say as he hugs me back.

"what about your job, you've just passed your firefighter test, surely you cant be a firefighter now your pregnant" Grant asks as I shrug "I guess not, but im sure that can wait until after the baby is born, this is more important right now" I say as I grab his hand and place it on my stomach.

"I'm going to be away a lot from now on, I hope I'm not too far away when the day comes" he says rubbing my stomach "I could always come with you" I say as he grins at me "wait thats actually not a bad idea, you could work as one of my support personnel, help with the lighting, stage fitting and whatever else they do" he says as I nod 

"I think i'd like that" I say pecking his lips. 


The weeks started to pass by and Grants album was complete, he did a few local radio interviews which got his first single played on the radio, which started of the rise of The Under Over, his social medias started to grow a little more popular as he also started to post videos on youtube, tiktok and instagram. 

his tour was due to start tomorrow and his first gig was here in our hometown of Milwaukee, before we ventured to further gigs around Wisconsin, then on to the neighbouring states of Michigan, Ohio, Indiana and ending the first leg of the tour in Illinois. This half of the tour was expected to last 6 months. I was already 4 months pregnant so my due date lined up with the time we are expected to be in Indiana which will be November. we were expecting a thanksgiving baby. 

we had just finished packing everything we would need for the next 6 months, and fitted it into Grants truck, surprisingly not needing that much as we agreed to buy anything extra we needed, when we come to needing them. 

"so are you ready for your first gig" I asked as Grant looked up at me from putting his case in the trunk

"ohh im so ready, its been a long time coming" he says closing the trunk and pulling me in for a hug. "Thank you for supporting me, I know its been a long and difficult road, but I never could have done this without you" he says as he kisses me 

"I will always believe in you, I knew you would make it one day" I say kissing him again. He takes my hand as we head inside our apartment. 

"so is this the last night here for a while?" I ask him as we both get ready for bed 

"yeah, I guess it is...heres to the next 6 months sleeping in hotels" he says holding up his hand as we high 5. 

He turns off the light as he lies down and holds his arm out for me to cuddle into, I rest my head on his chest as he holds me tightly, he kisses the top of my head before we both start to fall asleep.

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