Chapter 30

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**violence warning**


Before we lit up the corridor or even spoke a word, I cast revelio to ensure there were no enemies nearby that would be alerted.

When I saw nothing but a few coins flash up in the darkness, I cast Lumos. Sebastian did the same. I walked over and grabbed the coins, passing Sebastian half.

"You okay?" Sebastian wondered. "Professor Pierce was way out of line!"

"I mean yeah, but you seemed ready to duel him!"

"Aye! Of course! He called you a..." he trailed off.

"A mudblood? Is that what pissed you off so much?" I wondered.

He looked confused.

"What does it mean?" I asked.

His eyes widened in surprise. "You don't know?" He looked at my face and got his answer. "It's a foul word for those that are muggle born, or have a muggle somewhere in their family line, by claiming they have sullied the wizard line with their 'dirty' blood. It's very derogatory word in the wizarding world," he explained in hushed tones.

"I knew Professor Pierce was an arrogant sod but to resort to calling a student slurs? What a pile of dung," I scoffed.

Sebastian laughed.

"But it really means nothing to me, so I'm fine," I shrugged. "Plus he needed my help so clearly we're better than him in every way." I winked. The conversation seemed to flow as if nothing had happened and we both seemed to realize that at the same time.

Sebastian turned and began walking further into the tomb. "You're something else Ronnie," he chuckled to himself. "Now let's go find this relic."

I followed him into the darkness and saw something glowing on the ground. What was that?

"Turn off your light," I requested and darkened my own wand.

He did and the traces ancient magic became clearer.

"What's wrong?" Sebastian wondered.

"I see ancient magic!" I examined.

"Seriously?" He asked as I relit my wand.

"Yeah, follow me!" I requested and followed where the magic was leading. I had never once regretted telling Sebastian about my secret ties to ancient magic. Ever since he had taken the fall for me in library I knew that I could trust him with anything. It was part of the reason why it had been so hard when he'd told Ominis about my nightmares and the fact that I'd used dark magic. I had told him those things in confidence, but now looking back I could understand why he had. He was just worried about me and Ominis was his best friend. He wanted to help me, and I had broken his trust by kissing Ominis. I really needed to talk to him. See where his head was at regarding the whole situation. I needed him to know that I cared for him.

My thoughts raced as we continued to pursue the traces of ancient magic through the winding corridors of the tomb. Eventually the pathways led into an open room that was dimly lit by moonlight leaking in through fractures in the ceiling. I walked off the path and crouched down next to the wall on the outside of the room using revilio before walking in.

"Always so cautious," Sebastian whispered as he dimmed his light and crouched down beside me.

"One of us had to be," I remarked. "Looks like there are quite a few spiders in there. You ready?"

"Just like old times," he replied. Though it was dark I could tell by his voice that he was smiling.

There was a slight pause in the conversation. "Sebastian... I... I need you to know that I am sorry..." I admitted breaking the silence. I wanted him to know before any thing happened.

Consuming Darkness: Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now