Chapter 18

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**mention of sexual content**


I don't think that I had felt better in my entire life after the day I spent with Ronnie. As we walked back to the common room my mind wandered back to the Room of Requirement. What we'd done, how amazing it had felt to be so close to her. How amazing it felt to see that she wanted me as badly as I wanted her. The sound of my name of her lips.

"Where have you two been?!" Ominis' voice interrupted my thoughts. I looked around and noticed a few eyes on us. Because it was break, there were very few students that remained behind at Hogwarts. A fact I was very grateful for at this moment.

I rolled my eyes. "Will you keep your voice down? We haven't missed class or anything Ominis, we're still on break," I replied, avoiding having to really answer. I tried to sound a casual as possible to remove any attention that was on us. I'm sure that our absence was noticed, but he didn't need to make such a big deal out of it.

Ominis was pacing near the fireplace and had his eyes fixed on the ground with his wand up. He clearly had been waiting for us to get back, and the second we had stepped into the common room he had noticed.

Ronnie walked over to him, and I couldn't help but notice how beautiful she was. She placed her hand on his shoulder and something about the interaction tugged at my stomach. I pushed the anger away. It was just Ominis and she was just being nice. She had always been like this with him. They were close friends, I had to remind myself of this fact to keep the anger at bay.

"I'm sorry we worried you Ominis," she said sweetly. His posture and stern face softened at her touch and voice. I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Ronnie saw my reaction and gave me a stern look, but she dropped her hand. She didn't have to be all over him, I couldn't help my reactions.

"Where were you two?" He asked. "Last year when you would disappear it was all in the pursuit  of..." he didn't finish his thought. We all knew what he meant and there were still possibly some unwanted listening ears.

"I just couldn't sleep early this morning and I went to the Forbidden Forest to clear my head. Sebastian tagged along," she whispered.

"The Forbidden Forest?" He whispered back. "Why on earth would you go there to clear your head?!" He sounded really worried and he he put his hand on her arm.

"Don't worry Ominis, I was with her," I offered trying break whatever moment was happening by between them. I know Ominis cared for Ronnie and she for him but how much? He talked of her with such fondness, had I missed that he was dropping hints that he was interested in her as much as I was?

"That doesn't bring me as much comfort as you think it does Sebastian," he responded bluntly.

Ronnie laughed and moved closer to me, our arms were almost touching and I felt like there was electricity bouncing between the space between our arms. I wanted so badly to grab her and kiss her.

"That also doesn't explain why it is now almost time for dinner and you are just now returning," he observed.

"Speaking of dinner, we should change and get ready for dinner. I'm starving!" I blurted out. We hadn't eaten all day and the mention of food could have driven me to madness.

"Yes! I'm famished!" Ronnie responded and looked up at me with a smirk. My heart leapt. There were few things that I was hungry for, and the look in her face told me she was thinking the same thing. My need for food took over and I went back to my room to grab clothes so I could bathe and change quickly before dinner.

Ominis followed me of course and pestered me to tell him my whereabouts. I diverted most of his questions and he followed me to the bathroom and continued to pester me as I bathed.

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