Chapter 43

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**mention of violence**


I stood in the Forbidden Forest and watched the shadows that blanketed the forest began to take on a life of their own. "Sebastian," multiple voices hissed out to me at once. The shadows moved and began to coil around my ankles as they repeated my name. Calling to me begging me to listen. My voice didn't seem to be working and I watched as the shadows climbed up legs and curled around my hands.

"Give us what we want Sebastian," they whispered.

"Yes! Please give us what we want," other voices agreed as the darkness licked at my finger tips.

"We can be yours, our power," they hummed and I felt myself relax into them. As terrifying as this darkness was it also felt so good. The more I embraced it the better I felt, as if I was giving into ecstasy.

"We can help you."

"Yes, let us help you."

"Give in."

"Let us help."

"Give you power to protect those you love."

"They will finally understand you."

"They will praise you."

"Love you."

"We love you."

"We want you."

"Need you."

"We can help you."

"Let us help you." The voice continued. Their whispers lulled me further into their comforting embrace. I closed my eyes. My mind and body felt blissfully numb as they danced across me. I savored the feeling, letting myself relax almost completely.

"You will lose what you love most," a single voice whispered in hissing tones. The others began echoing, evolving from the comforting whispers into something far more vile and sinister.

"Something is coming... coming to take all you hold dear."

"They will die."

"You won't be able to help them."


"You are weak!"

"You will die!

"You will die alone."


"Alone!" All the voice shrieked together.

My eyes shot open and I saw Ominis and Ronnie lying in pools of blood at my feet. I tried to pull away from the shadows but they held me in place as if I was paralyzed. I screamed out in heart-wrenching agony, my cries echoing out in the darkness.

I sat straight up panting and covered in sweat. "A dream. It was a dream. It was a dream," I repeatedly whispered to myself. I stood in an attempt to shake the horrifying images and voices from my head. I scanned the room, noting all the familiar objects trying to ground myself in reality. My eyes landed on a letter on my bedside table. My name was written on the front in Ronnie's handwriting.

I grabbed it, eager to have something to pull my thoughts away from the nightmare that live in my mind, and continued to reappear each time I blinked.

Good morning Sallow,

I totally forgot that I need to finish the project with Finnian today. I had to rush to the library to be on time. I'm really worried about him hating us and spilling your secret. I hope you can figure out how to play nice with him. He really is a nice guy.

Consuming Darkness: Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now