Chapter 47

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   I walked with Poppy and Natty to Apparation Class. I was so excited to have a two day break from regular classes to allow me to practice and get caught up on some other school work. The class was being held off campus so that we could actually practice Apparating.

   "Well, Ominis sort of asked me to go on a walk with him last night...," Poppy told us with pink cheeks.

  "What?! Seriously?!" I asked in shock.

  "Poppy! What?! How'd it go?!" Natty exclaimed.

  "Yes! Tell us everything!" I smiled.

  "It was really fun," she said dreamily. "Nothing crazy... we just talked. He was so sweet and listened to me talk about magical beasts... I might have talked his ear off because I was so nervous..." She nervously picked at her nails, not looking at us. "I'm not sure he had as much fun as I did... I'm surprised he asked... I thought he'd think I was the strangest person on the face of the planet because of what I admitted to at the party..."

    "Oh pish posh Pop! Ominis doesn't do anything he doesn't want to do. He's just not a big talker. I'm sure he had a wonderful time!" I offered.

   "Did he say anything to you about it?" She asked hopefully.

  "No, but we've been busy with other stuff... I'll ask him about it tonight," I told her.

  "What have you three been up to this year? Seems like you three have made up and are back to being thick as thieves again," Natty wondered.

  "Yeah," I smiled. After the conversation in the Undercroft we had been spending more time together. I think I was even closer with Ominis now than I had been last year. And while Sebastian and Ominis would never be what they used to be, they seemed to be back to normal. "I'm just happy to be done with all the drama between all of us, that we can be friends again."

   "You and Sebastian are doing great I assume?" Poppy questioned with a knowing smile.

   I laughed. "Yeah, we're doing good," I told them.

    "Nothing more to report on?" Natty smirked and I nudged her.

   "What do you want to know exactly?" I chuckled.

    "You guys are official now?" Poppy asked, her voice giddy.

   "Yeah I guess," I replied bashfully.

   "Veronica Underhill! You have a boyfriend!" Poppy said as she grabbed my hands and jumped up and down. "It's about time! It was rather annoying watching the two of you pine after each other all last year and most of this year! I'm glad you've finally made it official!"

   I scoffed, "It wasn't that obvious was it?"

   "Yes... Poppy and I had a bet going actually. I thought it would have taken you until the end of the year to get together. Considering how stubborn you are and how daft Sebastian can be," Natty laughed.

   "You had a for real bet?!" I laughed at my friends.

   "Yup! And I won," Poppy admitted proudly.

  "Merlin's Beard... the two of you have been conspiring behind my back?" I replied exasperatedly.

   "Have you two said the L- word yet?" Poppy asked.

   "Lumos?" I asked sarcastically.

   Natty rolled her eyes. And Poppy hit my arm with her textbook.

   "Don't play stupid with us Ronnie," Natty laughed.

  "She doesn't need to play stupid, she really is," Garreth chimed in, as he pulled Natty's book bag from her shoulder with a wink and ran across the grass toward where the class had started to gather.

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