Chapter 1

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A/N - I hate having to do this, but since NovelHD has already started to pirate some of my books, here we go. These works are mine. My poor little brain came up with the plots and characters, and I'd really prefer you to not steal them. If you're reading this on a site that is NOT Wattpad then it is most certainly stolen.




"Mrs. Fletcher, your husband is here to see you!" my assistant, Elsie, said as she stuck her head through the open doorway to my office.

I looked over at her, noticing the tousled hair and deep blush and just sighed. "Elsie, nothing you just said in that sentence was right." She looked confused for a moment, so I decided to help her out. "I know you're new, but I have made it clear that you should call me Ms. Hayes as I never took his name. Second, I have also told you not to refer to him as my husband, but as Mr. Fletcher. And last, he's not here to see me, he's here to do something that will no doubt annoy me. But send him in anyway." The last thing I wanted to deal with was my husband Blake, but I guess that was what was happening on a Friday that I'd hoped to leave early on.

She opened her mouth, but just settled on a nod instead of saying the wrong thing again. I had a feeling that Blake had somehow sweettalked her into saying all the wrong things. He had that effect on people, which was rather amazing for an average looking bald and pudgy man. Luckily, it didn't work on me, and our marriage in name only was just torture.

"Kenley, how are you?" he asked as he sauntered into the room. He had his typical jeans and a button down shirt that he'd been wearing ever since I'd known him, and it fit his image as 'Blake the Builder' that he constantly mentioned.

"I was good," I replied drily. "What do you want?"

He frowned minutely, but I knew it was an act. There was nothing good between us, and there never had been. Had I known what the CEO position entailed, I would have never accepted my father's proposal ten years ago. But he sold me on it. He told me how enjoyable it was to run the business instead of toiling away with the other executives, and all I had to do was marry an asshole to get the golden ring by merging our companies. Now, instead of designing buildings, which I had loved to do, I was stuck shuffling paperwork, attending meetings, and dealing with the pompous ass that was standing in front of me.

"I just wanted to talk about the municipal project bids," he said. "Maybe we could do that over dinner tonight?"

"No. The bids are already submitted, which you should have known if you read your email, and they're announcing the finalists next week. There is no need for us to have any dinner, or contact, for that matter."

"Come on Kenley, it's been ten years. At some point shouldn't we be together?" I knew that tone of voice. I'd heard him use it on plenty of women to make them giggle and blush, and no doubt he'd met them later, not that I had proof. If I had proof of his infidelity, the marriage would already be over, and his company would have been mine, but I'd yet to find a private investigator that could get anything beyond rumors.

When we signed the prenuptial agreement before the wedding, it was very clear. We each ran our side of the business, but if either of us cheated, we would forfeit our company, and the other would have it all. Now, I'd been faithful, probably because I wasn't good with people and wouldn't know how to pick up anyone, but I knew he wasn't. I was also into women, which my parents knew very well before they insisted on this as a stipulation of getting the company, and I wasn't in the mood for a scandal on top of losing the business. The worst thing was, I didn't even want the business anymore. If I could, I'd just sell my half, and call it a day. But the agreement said I could only sell it to Blake, and his offers were a joke.

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