Chapter 26

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Shiloh's POV

As the days grew colder and shorter, my mood got worse. Harper had explained her vaguely formed plan, which was simply for me to follow her on social media, and yet that hadn't done a thing because she never posted anything! I don't just mean there was nothing about Kenley, I mean she posted nothing at all. This plan kind of sucked. And yet, every time I texted her, she would tell me to stay patient.

By the time Christmas Eve rolled around, I was having a hard time doing that. It was a busy time at the restaurant, steak was popular on those nights, and I was running my ass all over the place trying to keep everyone happy. That isn't the easiest thing to do when you're feeling a lot more like the Grinch than a happy fucking elf.

"I'll take the filet mignon, well done," my current customer stated in a nasally voice.

"Shoe leather, got it," I replied. The staff loved the well done orders, so they could cook the crappy cuts and the customers wouldn't even know because it was so overdone. It wasn't me eating it, so who could complain?

"What did you say?" Oh shit. I hadn't realized I said that out loud.

"Umm. Well done. Got it." I tried to give him a charming Christmas smile, but it wasn't working.

Oh well, no tip from that table. Honestly, I didn't care. I knew I didn't need to keep working there, but I really didn't want to look for a new job until I talked to Kenley. I was really hoping to move to wherever she was now that mom was doing so much better. But that relied on Harper helping me out!

It was just after midnight when I got home, and my mom was already asleep. I'd been given a couple of the good cuts of steaks as a holiday bonus, and I had a feeling that would be the Christmas meal later. After I stuck those in the fridge, I took a shower to get the stench of the cooked beef off my body, and then stumbled over to my bed.

I curled up in the bed, pulling out my phone to listen to a little Christmas music since it was officially Christmas day. It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas began to play, and my finger paused as I saw a notification that Harper had posted something a few hours ago. With a mixture of nerves and excitement, I clicked on it, and saw a post about her being at a place called The Loft, up in a town called West Yarmouth. Where the hell was that? But when I read the post, it said that it was a fun place for Christmas Eve and would be perfect for New Years too.

Holy shit! That had to be my clue, right? She was telling me that Kenley might be there for New Years? Was that where she moved to? It had to be, didn't it? That just might be the best Christmas present I'd ever gotten!

I knew what I'd have to do. I was going to drive up there and find her. I couldn't wait, I had to take the chance to go see her. That had to be why Harper wanted me to follow her online! She planned on giving me a hint like this!

I was already exhausted from work, but now my spirits were soaring with the thought of seeing Kenley again. I wasn't going to waste this chance. I needed to at least explain myself to her. Hopefully she'd take me back or just give me a chance I guess since we'd never really been together. I couldn't fuck this up though, I had to make sure that Kenley realized how much I missed her, and how bad I felt about everything. I just needed one shot!

For the first time in over a month, I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

The following morning, I was awake by 8am, which was pretty rare for me these days, and I wandered into the kitchen to see my mom bustling about and making a little Christmas breakfast. I could smell the bacon cooking, and my tummy made a happy flip. I came up behind her and gave her a gentle hug before kissing her cheek. "Good morning, mom!"

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