Chapter 8

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The body pillow that Harper gave us was six feet long, and very squishy. She got it during her first pregnancy, and helped her sleep at night on her side, which she otherwise would be too uncomfortable to do with the baby in her belly. But when it was placed between Shiloh and I, it made a perfect wall to keep us apart.

When I woke up, I found myself hugging that pillow, and I could see why Harper had liked it so much. It really was perfect with my leg thrown over it and my arm around it, and up under the shirt cupping a breast... Okay, that wasn't a pillow. Damnit! Tipsy me didn't behave at all! I was somehow half on Shiloh, spooning her while feeling her up, and I had to gently remove my hand from its current predicament. So of course, that meant I accidentally grazed her nipple while doing so, and I heard a light whimper from her in response. And oh my god, those really are pierced! How had I forgotten?


How did I do this to myself? I was going to kill Harper when I saw her later! I knew this was going to be an issue as soon as we were changed to get into bed too. There was a full bathroom in the cellar, and we took turns using it with Harper having provided toiletries to Shiloh, and I obviously having my own before we changed into sleepwear. I had brought my standard sleeping outfit, a small pair of sleep shorts and a tank top, while Shiloh had a pair of Harper's light blue shorts and Reid's dark blue tee shirt. Harper was a well-built woman, but I was glad when I heard her tell Shiloh she'd brought the tee shirt, because Shiloh had to be at least a couple inches and another cup size larger than my friend. Not that it stopped my wandering fingers anyway, because I obviously woke up with my hands all over her.

And it wasn't like I could tell her that I wanted to feel them again, because damn did they feel wonderful!

With my hand off her breast, I stopped moving when I was down at her belly, not wanting to wake her up. Besides, it would be okay if I was just spooning her, and my hands were in a safe spot, just under her shirt, right? I didn't think that was violating too much of a boundary, we were sleeping in the same bed after all. Things happen when you're asleep, you can't always control it. I sighed lightly, content with this plan, and then felt her hand move, gripping mine and returning to her breast.

"You didn't have to stop," she murmured sleepily. "It felt nice."

And now I was in quite a predicament. Do I say no and offend her? Do I keep my hand where it is and tempt myself, and her? What the hell? I whimpered slightly, and left my hand there, with her hand atop it. She didn't do anything like make me squeeze it, she just held it there. Maybe it gave her a sense of security, or just relaxed her. But I gave in, and just enjoyed it. I was just palming her warm, soft flesh, not caressing it, and keeping my fingers away from the nipple and piercing. I could do this. Just a relaxing morning in bed and snuggling with a friend.

A friend I hoped would do unspeakable things to me. Over and over till I was trembling in exhaustion and unable to walk, and then let me return the favor as often as I could.

Kenley, stop that! Oh god this was all a mistake. I couldn't even hide it from Harper, she'd know. With everyone else, I had a great poker face. But Harper knew, she always knew. She had some secret mind reading ability when it came to me and always knew what the fuck I was hiding. Considering she set this whole situation up, I had little doubt that she hoped this exact situation might come up.

With a sigh, I tried to roll away, but the hand that was holding mine darted around my body, gripping my left ass cheek, and pulling me back to her. "Where are you going? This feels good, right?"

I think I opened my mouth half a dozen times trying to find a safe response before settling on the truth. "It feels good. Very good. Too good. It's going to make me want more and you know we can't."

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