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Five years later

"How is she doing?" I asked Shiloh as she adjusted the little bundle in her arms.

She looked up at me as the little blonde baby made an adorable suckling sound as our newest daughter, Summer, continued to breast feed from Shiloh. "Wonderful. I can see why you were smiling whenever you did this with Aviana."

I snorted. "Just wait till her teeth start coming in though! But yeah, it is amazing." I reached out and gently stroked the soft hair on top of Summer's head and then leaned in and kissed Shiloh. "You're amazing too. Our girls are perfect." Maybe not completely, as this conversation was happening at 2am, and we would really love more sleep, but this was a rarity. Summer was almost six months old, and on most nights slept without waking up, though she could be getting teeth at any time and that might cause some sleeplessness. Aviana started getting them at just under seven months, and breast feeding was definitely more difficult at that point!

She slapped my arm slightly, causing Kit and Kat to briefly open their eyes as they were snuggled in next to her. Snickers was sleeping in Aviana's room, as though acting like her guard. "Are you trying to get me to stop breastfeeding so you can have my nipples back?"

I blushed lightly at the question because there was a tiny bit of truth to that. I did miss sucking on Shiloh's breasts, just as she had missed it when I was doing the same. As much as we had wanted to try each other's milk, we saved it all for our greedy little girls. On nights like tonight, I normally would have gotten a bottle of some that had been pumped, but we were both awake when we heard the cries, so we ended up just bringing her in for some of the fresh stuff.

There may, or may not, be any truth to the rumor that Shiloh screaming while she rode my face had woken Summer up. But nobody can prove anything, so I'm not saying. Okay, I lied, it was us. But seriously, it was another 4th of July in our house, and we wanted to start the day off with a few fireworks of our own!

"You know very well that you were the same way!" I protested in vain.

"And you made me wait!" she pointed out with a snicker.

"I know, I know. But really, isn't it a pain to take out the piercings every time she gets hungry?" Yeah, I was pathetic.

She couldn't stop giggling at that, and she had every right to laugh at me. "I'll tell you what. Since you got me off so good a little bit ago, how about I let you have a taste before we go to sleep?"

My eyes opened wide at what she meant. "You're letting me share, huh?"

Now it was her turn to blush. "Yeah. That and I miss the way your mouth feels on me. I love it when you have access to all of me."

I leaned in closer to Shiloh, kissing her neck before whispering to her. "Well, once our greedy little girl is done with her mommy, then I'll be happy to wear you out for sleep."

"I think I know who she takes after since she likes my nipples so much!" She let out a breathy giggle, then tilted her neck, though I didn't take it too far since she still had Summer attached to her. "And you better wear me out! Everyone is coming over again, so I need to get some rest!"

That was another point. Her mom Carla and new stepmom Jamie were driving up early to spend a week in our guest room, and then Harper and her family would be walking over from their house around lunch time. Gloria and Kate had a short drive from their place, and would be here too, and even Nina and her little boy William would be here. Yeah, when I was hoping people might move up here, I didn't realize that everyone would. It hadn't happened immediately. Harper and Reid came first, then Gloria and Kate after a couple years. Nina had been the latest, but once she brought William up and he loved playing with Aviana, it was a done deal. It didn't hurt that Kate and Gloria had taken her under their wings, and she was thriving now.

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