Chapter 6

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I needed this day. The margaritas were yummy, Reid cooked up some fabulous burgers and steaks, and the kids were having fun. Oh, and Shiloh was making me keep my sunglasses on, so my eyes weren't betraying me all day. You know those cartoons where some poor soul is crawling across the desert, and they see a mirage of an oasis, and are drooling as they get closer? Yeah, that was me, except Shiloh was no mirage, and I was somehow able to keep my drool under control. But wow. The ass that Harper had made sure to point out in the pub was even better today.

We all enjoyed a nice lunch and were sitting poolside watching the kids swim while chatting. A part of me wanted to get in the pool too, it would be easy enough to change in the house and dive in, but that would mean that Shiloh might decide to swim too, and I wasn't sure how I would be able to control myself in that case.

"So why do we have to wait until the divorce, if you both already know it's happening?" Shiloh wondered. "Because I'd love to take you out."

Harper snorted as Shiloh asked that, while butterflies started to swarm in my belly at the thought that she once more stated a desire to date. "Because she's an idiot, that's why!"

I scoffed, but then shrugged helplessly. "She's right. When I got out of college, I started working for my father. He owned my company which does a lot of civil engineering and architecture. We work with a lot of municipalities for new buildings as well as working with private entities for office parks and things like that. I really enjoyed the work, and my father kept telling me that the company would be mine when the time was right. He made the owner's position seem like the best job in the world, and to him I guess it was."

"Yeah, he loved that shit!" Harper interjected, earning a smack in the arm from me.

"Anyway, I couldn't wait to take it over, because I thought it was going to be even better than what I was doing. The problem was, he told me he wouldn't turn the company over to me unless I got married. Now, he knew I was a lesbian, but still insisted on a merger with Blake. I figured it would be a marriage in name only, and that it would be okay if I just ignored him. But then they stuck me with a prenuptial agreement that stated if either of us cheated, they would forfeit their half of the company to the other."

"But they have to be caught!" Harper interrupted again.

"Right. Because I know Blake has been cheating, but either my private investigators are useless, or he's paying them off. Anyway, my father seemed to think that would make me stay with Blake and learn to love a man. He was obviously wrong, I couldn't wait to leave that pig. Anyway, I have to wait, because Blake is devious enough to try and screw me over here in the home stretch, and while I don't want to own the company anymore, I'd like to sell it and go back to doing the job I was doing before."

"Right, it would suck to waste all that time being married to him, only to lose the company at the end," Harper agreed.

"Is the company worth that much?" Shiloh wondered.

I nodded. "We're not a Fortune 500 company or anything, but between the two companies, we're worth almost $300 million. Mine is about $180 million, and Blake's is the rest. I'm not handing over that much money to a cheating asshole because I can't control myself for a few months."

"You're having a hard time controlling yourself?" She raised an eyebrow at me, and I tried not to choke.

I took a breath and leveled with her. "Shiloh, I haven't been on a date in over ten years, and I haven't been in bed with someone in longer than that. Believe me if you asked for a date, and I was divorced, I'd say yes. Not just because I want to get in anyone's pants or something, but because you seem like a great and fun person so far."

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