Chapter 3

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When we were in college, Harper and I always helped each other out. Meaning that we always played the wing-woman for the other. Obviously, I did a better job, as she ended up with the love of her life, Reid, a caterer and personal chef who was the kindest man I'd ever known. I could only dream about having a marriage like theirs, and certainly not with Blake, he was scum. But Harper and Reid were both rock solid people that you could depend on in a pinch. Their two kids, Eden and Trey, were great too. Was I jealous? Maybe.

               I mean, I'd wasted the last ten years being married to a man I hated, all to get a job that I thought I wanted until I started doing it. So, the whole reason I married him turned out to be a horrible pit of paperwork and slogging through meetings. I should have just married one of the girls I'd tried to date in college, not that I had much luck there either.

               But there was a light at the end of that tunnel, and now that I was going to be single again, Harper was taking it upon herself to reprise her previous role. She knew what I liked in a woman, since she'd seen most of the girls I'd been with in college. Hell, on one drunken night she was one of them, though thankfully that hadn't messed up our friendship. But now, as we sat in the booth at the little pub that she'd taken me to on Saturday night, she was happily pointing out some of the women that she thought I should go check out.

               "Damn, check out the rack on her!" Harper said, raising her arm and pointing right at the girl, who looked back at us with startled, wide open eyes.

               I covered my face in embarrassment as Harper chuckled. "Harper, could you be any more obvious? Besides, you're my lawyer, you know I can't hook up with anyone until everything is signed off on."

               "I know! But damn, she looks hot!" Harper replied with a pout before taking another sip of her strawberry daiquiri. We'd picked a pub that had a good food selection and full bar, so there would be a wide variety of people here depending on if they wanted food or drink. Or were like us and wanted both.

               "How long do you think this will all take?" I asked her. "That way, once the papers are done, we can go back out and you can point at all the breasts you like, and maybe I'll see if I can agree on someone to check out."

               She shrugged while looking around the bar. "I'd say about two months, and most of that will be waiting on a judge. If Blake's lawyer is decent, then he'll file it next week and send over the agreement as soon as it's done. If it is what we expect, then we'll sign and send it back, then we just need to go before the judge for like 10 minutes and he'll give us another signature, it gets filed at city hall, and you'll be a hot single lady who can screw anyone she wants."

               Two months. It didn't seem real that I was that close to freedom. Even with the sting of what happened with my parents the previous evening, I was in too good of a mood to worry. The way my parents were acting last night was the same as they were when I came out to them in high school. Anger, disappointment, forbidding my lifestyle, trying to control every aspect of my life, it wasn't anything I hadn't expected. But now I was done with their attitude. I'd already given up too much to keep them happy, and it was time for me to spread my wings and find out what my future was.

               "I don't need to screw everyone," I told her. "Honestly, I just want something like you have. I want someone to wake up to that makes me feel good about myself and keeps me happy. I'll do my best to keep them happy too. But without the being a guy thing."

               "Okay!" She nodded with a smile. "But she should have a great ass, right?"

               "Fine, yes." I had to acquiesce because Harper knew that I was definitely an ass girl. I just wanted to squeeze them all day! "A great ass would be a sweet bonus."

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