Chapter 4

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"So, Shiloh, eh?" Harper asked as she drove me home after our dinner. It had been a nice time out, and I knew I'd been relatively obvious in my admiration for Shiloh in the couple hours or so that she saw with us.

               I just sighed and shook my head. "I feel like a creep. She's only 22, and I have over ten years on her. Plus, I haven't dated anyone in forever, and I can't for another few months. But I do have to admit, she is the kind of woman I'd go for in a heartbeat."

               "You're allowed to tell her that. It was easy to see that she liked you too. And really, 12 years isn't too bad. You're more than young enough to rock that girl's world."

               I could only snort in laughter. "I don't know if I remember how! Seriously, the last girl who let me do that was Gina back in senior year. Less than two years later I was getting engaged to that asshole and then getting married. I sure as hell wasn't doing any rocking with him."

               "Come on, Kenley, just give it a shot, okay? I'm not saying marry the girl, just let her fuck your brains out." She reached over, nudging my shoulder, but that really wasn't what I was looking for.

               I blew out a short sigh. "I don't want anyone to just fuck me. I just spent all too long in a lie of a marriage where he could be sneaky and bang all the girls he wanted, and I abstained. I don't want to waste any more time. I want to find something like you and Reid have. I want to wake up next to the person I love and feel secure in a relationship where I feel cherished. I don't want a quick fuck."

               She was silent for a bit as we drove through the dark. "Do you think that isn't what Shiloh wants?"

               "I don't know. I'm interested in finding out, but obviously we have to take things slow till Blake is gone. Maybe that's good, it lets me find out what exactly she really does want. If she can't wait for me, then she isn't worth it, right?"

               Harper started nodding over in her seat. "True. Your predicament makes things easier for you to take it slow, and not U-Haul it."

               "Yeah. Now I just need you to not push too fast! No more nice ass comments!" I couldn't help but laugh lightly at her antics.

               "But you have to admit, it was a great ass!"

               She had a point. Shiloh was more than interesting to me, and she was very clear in that I interested her too. She also backed off when we told her about having to wait until after the divorce too, so I gave her a little gold star for that restraint. So far, she was being exactly what I needed, and that was refreshing. Would it last for two months, or longer if there were delays? That I couldn't answer. Not to mention, she was simply gorgeous. It was hard to believe that she would be interested in someone like me. Maybe she was just feeling grateful for the interview pep talk, but I did like the attention. I wondered if she would be ready to settle down and be in a long term relationship. I know I'd love to try if she was up for it. If she was still out looking to have fun without strings though, I was going to have to pass. I needed something real and long lasting. Maybe someone so young wasn't a good idea. Fuck, I could talk myself in circles all day over this!

               "All of her looked great," I admitted. "I noticed it in the elevator, and she looked even better today. I can't believe you invited her to the cookout tomorrow. She's going to look hot in a bikini, and I look like a pale fish belly."

               "Stop that!" she snorted. "You always look amazing, and you're way too self-critical. Yes, she might look great tomorrow, but so will you. She was already hitting on you at dinner, and tomorrow will give her more reasons to do that. I'd be shocked if she didn't flirt all night."

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