Chapter 13

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The weather was chilly on Halloween, which is typical for the northeast, and I could already tell that it was going to be a quick night for the kids outside. They looked great in their costumes, but both Harper and Reid were bundled up, and each carried a spare coat for one of the kids. There was a big bowl of mini Snickers and Crunch bars by the door for me to hand out, and I was already in a long robe and pointed hat for my witch costume.

               "If you text me when you're on the way back, I'll start getting the milk heated up for hot cocoa," I told Harper. "Just go have fun, and I'll get you all warmed up when you get back."

               "I'm pretty sure Shiloh will have you heated up well before we get home!" she replied with a snicker. "When will she be here?"

               I checked the time on my phone. "She should be here in about ten minutes, if the estimate she sent a little bit ago is right."

               She just shook her head at me while looking over my outfit. "You have all night with her, and you didn't at least go with a sexy witch?"

               "Two more days!" I reminded her. "You're supposed to be my lawyer!"

               "I am! But you better go jump on her when the time is up, I know you want to."

               "You're not wrong," I admitted. Truthfully, every day it got harder. The only thing that saved me was that I never exchanged phone numbers with Shiloh, but that was something Harper actually suggested, to make sure there was no electronic evidence at all between us just in case Blake tried to get ahold of my phone records. But that didn't mean we hadn't spent a lot of time together. It was to the point now where I was extremely comfortable with Shiloh, and while we weren't officially dating, we might as well have been with the number of dinners and lunches we'd shared. As soon as those papers were signed, we'd be able to see how well we could work together with no more hiding. "I really do want her. I can't believe how hard it's been to resist just giving in."

               Harper stepped close and pulled me into a hug. "You did good. You've been so patient and now you're almost there. You're taking the next two days off, right?"

               "Yeah, I didn't want to see Blake tomorrow, so I'm avoiding the office. Then I need it for the hearing the next day. After that, I should be able to hopefully wrap things up for the sale of the company." I'd already had talks with several companies and had a preliminary settlement in place with one to sell my half of the company in the next week once the signatures were done. Once that was finalized, I could do whatever I wanted, and maybe Shiloh could help me figure out what I'd want to do for a job, and where.

               "Good. I'll come back here early, just relax a bit. But no drinking tomorrow night, you have to be at your best in court."

               I nodded. "I know, I know. But I might tonight! Now go get those kids some candy before it gets too cold!"

               The little family trooped outdoors, with Emma and Trey cheering the impending loot that they'd be going to fetch, and I started getting the ingredients out for the hot chocolate, along with half a dozen mugs. No, Shiloh and I wouldn't be out in the cold, but I knew we'd still want some. I'd be shocked if the little family wasn't back within a couple of hours anyway.

               With that taken care of, I just needed the doorbell to ring with little kids coming to collect their goodies. I made sure all the lights were on. And looked to check that the jack o lantern on the front porch was still lit, and then relaxed.

               I had barely sat down when the doorbell rang, and I was greeted by a little Iron Man, a skinny football player, and an adorable little girl covered in grey fur. "Trick or treat!" They all chorused.

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