Chapter 10

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We didn't get much of a response from Shiloh other than that she'd had to leave early to go see her mom. It sounded like that was a common occurrence since it was the same thing that had slowed her down the day before. I was happy for her, that she could see her mom so much when I honestly didn't want to see either of my parents. Maybe if they changed their attitude I would, but I wasn't sure they could. They'd proven to still be exactly what they were back when I was younger.

I spent the rest of the day with Harper and the kids, most of that out by the pool again, though without the drinks this time. We played diving games with them, tossing colored diving rings into the pool for them to go fetch, and then repeating that over and over. We all had fun, and I was looking forward to many more days like this when I moved in.

In fact, I liked it so much that I packed up almost all my clothes when I got home that night. I looked up several estate sale managers too, and they could take care of all the furniture while the house was on the market. Hopefully that would all be taken care of quickly because every time I made a decision like that it felt like another step towards my freedom.

I wandered my house, looking in every room. It felt like a museum, where there were things displayed, but you didn't touch them or use them. Guest rooms that had gone unslept in. A living room with hideous flowered fabrics that I never cared to change because I never went in there. The kitchen equipment and utensils got used, and that I would actually pack up along with all my clothes. The master bedroom set was mine, bought after Blake moved out, so I would keep that too. Otherwise, I'd be fine donating or selling everything else.

If I got an apartment, I wouldn't need much, and if I got another house, I'd rather decorate on my own. Harper would love to help, though as much as I'd like to ask Shiloh, it was way too early for that. Of course, I wouldn't even start looking for a place for months, and things might change in that time.

I know I really wanted to find out more about her, because I wanted there to be more than a physical attraction. Obviously, we had that part covered. Maybe if she kept coming over to Harper's place on the weekends, we'd get that time? That was a nice thought. No dates, just low key conversations. I knew Harper would give us the time too, since she already liked Shiloh for me.

I went to bed with a smile on Monday night. The divorce was going to be starting, I had the potential of a woman I could maybe date, I would be staying with Harper, just like the college days, and I could finally unload my part of the company so I could get back to doing what I liked. I wasn't foolish enough to think that all going to happen smoothly, but things were getting there.

Yeah, Blake could still dick things around, but he was easy to predict, and my parents were a sore spot, but that was just like the old days too so I could adapt to life without their attitudes. It was a sad realization that they would never accept me being truly happy, because that would involve me being with a woman. The northeast may be more liberal than many other places in America, but my parents weren't a part of that mindset.

I know I'm the company owner, but I liked short weeks too. Coming in on Tuesday I dressed in a black pantsuit that showed off all my best features and a matching pair of black wedges and purse. I realize that it was silly to dress to impress Shiloh when I had no idea if I'd even see her, but how could I not hope? Even one glimpse of her in an elevator would make my day. But all morning I worked away in my office, with no sign of her. I had a couple meetings with a pair of townships in New Jersey about zoning maps that we were doing for them, but that just bored me. I'd much rather be doing the maps with the cool software we had than just having a meeting and going over the updates and making sure things were on schedule.

Two more months.

It became my mantra. Any time I got down about something, or something frustrated me, that was what I was muttering under my breath. I needed it! Luckily, Harper made my day when I got a text from her right before lunch telling me that she'd talked to Blakes lawyer, and they got the paperwork filed. The agreement was already written up and the judge would see us on November 2nd, two days after Halloween. Halloween with her and the kids? That would be fun! I was always there for that since my neighborhood was boring, and I would hand out the candy while Harper and Reid would take the kids out trick or treating.

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