Chapter 18

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Shiloh's POV

The bailiff escorted Nina into the courtroom, and she walked with her head held high. I gave her a thumbs up and a quick smile, but my heart wasn't really into it based on what Harper had just said to me. I'd seen the pain on Kenley's face when I came into the courtroom, so I could understand why she said it, but it didn't mean I didn't want to try. I'd just have to be patient.

               Nina was quickly sworn in, and the judge didn't even wait for the lawyers. "Ms. Mills. We've been told that you're pregnant with a child conceived with Mr. Fletcher. Is that true?"

               "Yes, ma'am. He wanted to have me get an abortion, but I wanted to keep my baby. So, a few weeks ago he gave me money to go away and I promised I wouldn't come after him for child support, and to not tell his wife." Nina had a soft voice and refused to look at Blake while she spoke. How that man had ever enticed her into bed I'd never know. No, wait, I did. Money. Her apartment wasn't in a great part of the city, and he probably offered her a sugar daddy deal of some sort. I couldn't even imagine that pig of a man in bed, ugh.

               I glanced over at Blake, and he was just sitting in his seat, his head hung low. I guess he'd given up on fighting the inevitable at this point. Even his lawyer was sitting there with a stone face watching Nina ruin them with her gentle demeanor.

               "And do you have proof of this?" the judge asked. Much like me, Nina had a manilla folder with papers in it, and she passed it over to the judge who spent a few minutes looking it over. None of us spoke, just waiting for the hammer to fall. "Mr. Fletcher, I assume you can guess what this folder has in it?"

               Blake just nodded dejectedly, while Harper smiled like a shark smelling blood in the water. I saw her open up her briefcase, putting one stack of paper back into it, while pulling a second one out. I didn't know what it was, but I was betting it was good based on her body language.

               When Blake didn't say anything, the judge continued. "This is an agreement for you to pay Ms. Mills here $1.5 million to keep the baby quiet and not ask for child support. There is also a DNA test here that shows you as the father. A similar NDA agreement that we already saw was signed, which we know wasn't too useful here. Do you see any reason I shouldn't rule that you violated the prenup agreement while trying to make it look like your wife did as well?"

               He just shook his head, mumbling something I couldn't hear. "No, your honor," Grant spoke up for him.

               "Very well. In that case we'll wrap this up since we're already way past the time I thought we would finish. In the case of Fletcher vs Hayes, the court rules for Ms. Hayes and finds that Mr. Fletcher violated the agreement. Ms. Kelly, if you have a copy of the agreement, we can get this over and done with." She banged her gavel on the bench, and everything was done. I felt great, having done what I'd set out to do to help Kenley save her business. I didn't know if I could still see her, but I had partially done what I could, and for that I was grateful. I could only hope she would give me a chance.

               "I have a copy of that!" Harper said, holding up the new papers she just pulled out of her briefcase, and bringing it over to Grant.

               "Ms. Mills and Ms. Clark, you're dismissed. Thank you for your testimony," the judge stated. "Bailiff, can you please retrieve Ms. Hayes?"

               I stood, catching Harper's eye, and handing out the envelope I'd brought to her. "Harper, I'm sorry. I know it might not mean much, but please have Kenley read this?"

               She took the envelope from me and put it on the table. "I'll give it to her, but that is all I can guarantee. I realize what you did, but it doesn't sit well to see her treated like that. Kenley is going to need a lot of time. I wouldn't expect a response any time soon."

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