Chapter 15

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"That bitch!" Harper muttered as Shiloh walked past us. I could have sworn I saw a hesitation in her step at that comment, but she deserved it. If she gave him some made up photos, then I didn't even know what to think. I was damned sure the date tomorrow night was off though. I sure as hell wouldn't want to see her again either. I couldn't even look at her right now. I had a brief glimpse of a folder getting passed to Harper and heard her growl as she looked in it. I think I saw a picture of us in it, but I wasn't paying too close of attention any more.

I heard her getting sworn in, and my head started to be filled with a weird buzzing sound. It was like the most severe case of tinnitus I'd ever experienced, and I had to close my eyes and put my head down for a minute as I felt faint. How had everything fallen apart? I'd been so good about not doing anything with Shiloh! I'd trusted her! I couldn't even hear anything happening in the courtroom, though I heard Harper saying something angrily after a few minutes. I replayed every interaction I'd had with Shiloh in my head, just trying to see where I'd gone wrong. I wasn't paying any attention anymore. I knew I was fucked and that I'd been played like a damned fool.

Only Harper shaking my shoulder a while later brought my focus back. "Kenley, you have to get up and go with the bailiff."

"What? Why?" I was confused and lost and doing my best not to cry right now, but I didn't want to give Blake the satisfaction. I couldn't even look at Shiloh, or I'd completely lose it. How did this happen? I thought we had something special, and yet Blake somehow had a picture of us kissing, when I couldn't even remember us kissing! The sense of betrayal was making me ill.

"Shiloh can't talk with you here. She signed a non-disclosure agreement. Go with the bailiff, and you can come back when you're allowed to hear testimony," Harper explained.

Non-disclosure. That was funny. She sure as hell wasn't disclosing that she was a damned traitor, or that she was planning to betray me to Blake and that everything I thought was real, was all bullshit! "Fine." I looked up, seeing the bailiff waving me over towards the door that the judge had come through. With a sigh, I got up and walked through the door she opened, not sparing even a glance at Shiloh.

"Are you okay?" the bailiff asked, with concern etched in her voice.

I snorted, and the tears started to pour down my face. "No. Not at all really. Is there a bathroom near here?" I asked while trying not to sniffle and sob too much. The pain in my chest and the nausea in my belly was getting worse, and I really needed some water and a seat.

I felt her arm slip under my shoulder, and she guided me to a door that she opened, and then steered me to a leather couch across from an imposing mahogany desk. "Sit here, I'll get you some water." Behind the desk was a large water cooler, I guess the judge was thirsty a lot, and she filled a cup for me. I gulped it down and she quickly refilled it. I sipped that one and lay back on the couch. I don't know why I was so dizzy, but everything was off kilter, and I couldn't stand it. "Stay here for a bit, okay? There is a bathroom through that door." She pointed to a side door in the corner of the office. "I'll come get you when they're done discussing the parts that the NDA won't let you hear."

I nodded absently, not really understanding. I think I missed a lot when I started freaking out, and I don't think I would be in any condition to answer any questions at the moment. "Thanks a lot. You've been a big help."

"Any time. I hope this goes well for you. That looked like it was a dirty trick." She shook her head sadly and headed back out the door, no doubt to hear just what the fuck had happened between Shiloh and Blake.

I snorted as I realized I couldn't even call her an ex. She was a never was, because after this I was done. It killed me to think that because I'd already felt so damned much towards her! I was ready to commit, to try exclusive dating, make love, go on trips, and maybe even U-Haul after a few months.

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