Chapter 17

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Shiloh's POV

"Ms. Clark, can you tell me what these are?" Grant asked while handing me the two pictures I'd given them yesterday.

I glanced at them to make sure they were the same ones, and everything looked as it did when I took them. "Those are pictures of me kissing Kenley."

"And are these pictures real? Were they doctored in any way?"

"No. They're real."

"Thank you, that's all for me." Grant smiled at me, for whatever reason thinking that this was just a fun day at the office. He was trying to ruin a person's life because of his friend's greed, and he was having fun. Well fuck you. On the good side, he was also an idiot, and Harper wasn't. I had no doubt that she'd ask the right questions. I really needed her to!

I looked over at her table and couldn't help but stare at Kenley instead of getting ready to answer Harper's questions. But Kenley was looking pale, her head tilted down as though the table was the most exciting thing she'd ever seen. I'd never seen her look anything like that, and I knew I was to blame. Hopefully I would be able to change that soon.

Harper didn't stand up and approach me, I think she was too worried about leaving Kenley, and I felt a fresh wave of guilt wash over me. "Ms. Clark, when were those pictures taken?"

Damn, going with the Ms. Clark angle, I can't blame her for that. "They were taken two days ago on Halloween night."

"And where were they taken?"

"In your cellar, in the guest room."

The judge held up her hand. "Am I to understand that you have a relationship with the witness?" she asked Harper.

"Yes, your honor. I had thought she was a friend. I guess I was mistaken."

I took a deep breath at that comment, but still couldn't blame her. She had every right to think that. I just needed a few good questions that would let me say more. "Yes, your honor. I'm a friend of the counsel and her client." I could see Harper roll her eyes at that, but I didn't waver.

"Ms. Clark, if the pictures were taken two days ago, how did Mr. Fletcher and Mr. White get them?" Harper continued with the questions.

"I gave them to them yesterday," I replied, hope flaring in me even as a look of disgust flitted across her face.

"Would you consider Kenley a friend?" she asked.

"Yes, I would."

"Who took the pictures?"

"I took them," I replied.

"From the angle, that doesn't look like a selfie. How did you take them?" she wondered while looking over the copy of the photos she'd been given.

"I put the camera on my phone on a timer and then took them while kissing her."

"That seems odd that a woman who has been so diligent in remaining loyal to her husband, regardless of the circumstances, would allow a picture like that," Harper pointed out. It was a good question, but I needed more.

"She was asleep," I replied. That alone should have the pictures thrown out, but I really wanted more.

"She was asleep?" the judge confirmed. "That doesn't seem like an affair to me."

"I would agree, your honor." Harper said with a smile, while shooting a look over at Grant and Blake who were now glowering at me. "So, why would you give pictures like that to her husband, knowing what he would use it for?"

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