Chapter 35

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Shiloh mentioned a few times that her mom had been out on Cape Cod for a visit several years before she had adopted her, and had gone out to Provincetown, at the tip of the cape. That wasn't surprising, as for decades now, Provincetown had been a very welcoming city for members of the LGTBQ+ community and would host all kinds of festivals and such there. We would definitely be going back for some of those when the weather got nicer. 

For now, though, we were there for other reasons. First, because while we were doing some interior painting, our house was pretty empty when it came to decorative art. It just so happened that Provincetown was the home of over 40 art galleries, plus a regional art museum. That gave us very good odds on finding some things that we could accessorize with! This was pretty new territory for us, as we didn't know what we liked yet, but that just made it more fun. Maybe we'd end up with paintings, or maybe some photos, we had no idea, but I had a feeling we'd spend some money this weekend, as we had a big empty house, and there was a lot of space to cover.

Now yeah, we had plans on having several walls that were going to be photos of us, and our future family, and I doubted we were going to come home with a giant sculpture, but I could easily see it getting maybe one piece per room just to spice things up. It seemed that every day, the house was becoming more and more of a home, and this would be a big step in that direction.

The other reason we were going to be up there for the weekend was that we were visiting their animal shelter before we went home. We wanted some fur babies! I'd always wanted pets, but my parents never approved, and when I had my old house, I never felt that I was home enough to care for any. Shiloh had a cat when she was younger, but after it had passed away, her mom was sick, and it was never the right time to get another to take care of. We would be fixing that now though, and we had an appointment at the shelter to see some likely cats for adoption.

We'd already set up the house with a few scratching posts, litter boxes and food and water bowls to make our new family members feel at home, and we couldn't wait to introduce them to it. We had a couple of pet carriers with us, which we assumed would be more than sufficient. We weren't expecting to have as many pets as we had art after this trip.

The trip was wonderful. It was the first time we'd overnighted away from the house since I'd had Shiloh move in, and it felt like a real date, so that was a plus. Not that we weren't dating a lot when we were back home, but this felt like one of those 'weekend getaway' trips that couples do. You know, the ones that don't move in before they've had a single date. We were odd, I know. But we had a little room reserved at a seaside inn, and tons of art to view and restaurants to sample.

The first day was all art and food. We found so many things that it was hard to decide what to get! Several pieces we liked but didn't fit our house's aesthetic. But we did well. We fell in love with a watercolor artist who had several pieces that we could group together in a room, and then a painter working in oils that had several stunning seascapes on larger canvases that could go over beds. Last, we found a photographer who had taken a lot of shots at a local place called Truro that had a wild mix of dunes, hills, beaches, and a lighthouse.

There were a lot of happy artists after our visit, and I was glad we'd brought the SUV because several of the pieces that we bought to go over beds and couches were rather large. We didn't get any of the sculptures, though there were some great examples of them, but we did get some very cool windchimes that had been hand carved out of driftwood. It was nice to know that we got something one of a kind, and I knew we could hang it out near the hot tub for added ambiance.

We brought all our loot into the hotel with us, laying it out so we could see it all together, and were thrilled with the results. "Damn, this is going to look gorgeous!" Shiloh whispered happily. I was standing behind her, my arms meeting on her belly and her body pressed back into me. I had my head tilted down to rest on her shoulder and her body pulled back into mine. "I'm so happy that we can decorate together. Thank you for waiting for me."

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