Chapter 34

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"Do you have the wine?" Shiloh asked after I turned the hot tub on.

"It's on the table," I assured her. "All we need is you in that tub, so get that hot ass of yours in there."

The hot tub was on the first floor deck, which currently got the most use. The kitchen had access to it, so our grill was there, and then the hot tub was just beyond that, overlooking the inlet with the boat dock, so we could easily bring drinks or snacks to it. Other than a small table that our bottle of pinot grigio and two glasses were sitting on though, the deck was empty. We'd already done some shopping to get what we needed for all the outdoor living areas, it just wasn't needed just yet. There was no sense having it before then, as it would still be too cold to use, so we were having it delivered in May.

But our favorite evening pastime was getting naked, putting on fluffy robes, and then walking out to the hot tub for some relaxing snuggles. There had been a few nights where there was cold rain, but the hot tub was covered by the deck on the second story, so we just watched the rain drip down in front of us. When the wind made the rain get into the tub, then we stayed inside, bundled up on the couch with a fire in the fireplace. We'd snuggle in faux fur throw blankets and watch movies instead. But there was nothing better than seeing a naked Shiloh surrounded by frothy bubbles while we sipped wine out under the stars.

And it was even cuter when she had a nice blue handprint on her ass.

We'd painted splotches of color from the test samples on the wall, and each looked good so far. But we wouldn't be able to tell for certain till the paint dried and we saw it throughout the day in the different lighting as the sun moved. But I may have accidentally put some paint on my hand and grabbed Shiloh's ass while we cleaned up, making her squeal and giggle. And yes, I took a picture. I'd be saving that forever! I did help her clean up, I would always take any excuse to touch her ass again, but there was still the faintest tinge of blue there as a reminder.

The air was chilly, even with a recent warm snap the temperature was only a bit above freezing now that the sun was down. But we didn't care. The water was hot, and so was my girl, and that was all I needed. I walked out to the tub, discarded the warm robe, and shivered as the cold air hit the parts of me that normally were kept quite warm. It was always a thrill to be outdoors and naked, and I knew Shiloh enjoyed it too. She was out a moment after me and put on a little show for me as she turned around to bend over and pile her robe next to mine. Yes, I stared at that ass and the puffy lips that were just visible between her legs in the dark. I knew what I'd want later for dessert!

And she knew I was staring, because she shot me a quick look under her arm and winked at me, just to tell me that she'd done it for my pleasure. Right, like I didn't know! "Get that ass in here so I can grab it again!" I demanded. She stood up with a low chuckle, and then climbed into the tub, moving quickly to straddle me. The hot water kept us warm, even with our tops out of the water, and our body heat certainly didn't hurt the situation either.

"Hello there," Shiloh said after a leisurely kiss. "Are you my hot tub buddy for the evening?"

I snickered at her silliness but played right along. "I am indeed. We have all night to enjoy this festive little pool of ours."

"And that comes with wine, yes?"

I nodded, motioning over to the open bottle of white wine and the two glasses. I was normally more into the red wines, but with all the seafood that we'd been eating, we'd found a nice variety of whites to enjoy as accompaniments. It was yet another nice thing about living up here that had been an unexpected bonus. "It does. I have a lovely, chilled pinot grigio that has subtle notes of peaches and apricots" I told her with a horrible snooty accent. "Perhaps you'd like to sample some?"

"Mmmm," she reached up and gently grabbed my breasts, squeezing them softly while grazing the nipples with her thumbs. Damn, she was in quite the mood! "These feel a bit larger than peaches! But I do like the flavor. I suppose a glass of wine that tasted anything like these would be perfect!" She gave them each one final squeeze, then got off me so I could go pour the wine, and I just shook my head at her.

"You're crazy," I told her with a soft smile before crawling to the side of the hot tub. I got up on the seat with my knees, leaning out, and reaching for the bottle before the chill froze my ass when the tip of Shiloh's nose poked me right between the cheeks, and her tongue slipped into my pussy. "Oh, fuck, baby!" I almost jumped in surprise, but that tongue always felt so good.

"Mmmph!" was all she could say with her mouth working me over. I could feel her hands scooping warm water onto my ass so that it didn't freeze, but I didn't care. All I could do was concentrate on the feeling of the tip of her tongue probing my core, and then slipping out to flick back and forth over my clit. I spread my legs further, inviting more from her, and one of her hands slipped down to rub my clit while her tongue kept diving into me, lapping at my inner walls as far as she could reach.

It was heavenly. The cold air on my nipples contrasted with the warm water in the pool and the heat of Shiloh's mouth and was turning me to jelly faster and faster. "Come on, baby!" I gasped out over my shoulder. "You have me so close!"

She chuckled into my pussy, the vibrations making me moan aloud. We might not be too visible to any people in the area, but if she kept that up, I was going to be very audible to the neighbors when I called out her name.

"Fuck! Shiloh! Fuck, baby!" I could feel my body shaking, and just when I thought I couldn't handle more, she changed things up. For a moment, she let go, and then must have flipped onto her back as she stuck her face between my legs and started sucking on my clit at the same time as she slid two fingers deep into me, pumping and curling them for all she was worth. "Oh Shiloh! Oh! Shiloh! Fuck!" I cried out as I came undone in a matter of moments. I didn't think I'd stop shaking as I hit my peak, but when I finally did. She guided me back down her body until I was back in the middle of the tub, where she cradled me gently as I caught my breath.

"Yeah, you looked tastier than the wine," she whispered to me.

I giggled lightly, kissing her lips, now coated with my own flavors. "You're very sneaky, I think I like that. But I'm so worn out that you might have to get the wine now."

"I had a feeling I might have to take care of that for you. But I don't mind at all, it was well worth it." She was the one bent over now, and while I wanted to return the favor, I was still a little tapped out. But I did make sure she knew I wanted to when I let my hand wander, and my fingers teased her as she poured the wine. When she came back, bearing a lovely glass of pale yellow wine for me, she sank onto the bench, pulling me in next to her. "You're more than welcome to put those hands to use later on." She gave me a wink and self-satisfied smirk knowing that she'd given me such a powerful orgasm that I wasn't able to do too much for a bit.

For a while, the only sound was that of the hot tub pump and the splashing water as we relaxed while enjoying the wine. I was loving every aspect of my life with Shiloh, and I knew she was feeling the same. We had it good, I couldn't lie. I knew that things could always change, that misfortune could befall us, but we were growing closer and stronger daily, and I knew we'd weather whatever storm came our way together.

"Sitting here with you, every time I think it's a dream. Like it's too good to be true, and someone is going to wake me up and tell me none of it is real," Shiloh whispered. "I never imagined I'd be living with someone like you, or in a house like this, or feeling anything remotely like I do when you're with me."

I switched my wine glass to my left hand, and then wrapped my right arm around her and pulled her into my lap. "It is a dream we're never going to wake up from. Believe me, this is our present and our future. Maybe just with some kids or cats mixed in."

"Oh! Are we still getting the cats this weekend?" she asked excitedly as she squirmed in my lap.

I nodded, kissing her nose. "Absolutely. We can never have enough pussy in this house."

"Mmmm, they better not interrupt our play time!"

"I have a feeling they'll figure out when they should make themselves scarce."

"That or they're going to be scared little kitties!"

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