Chapter 24

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I never even had to open the front door to Harper's house before she was racing down the driveway to hug me when the driver let me out. I was tired. I'd had about four hours of sleep on the flight, then an Uber ride from the airport, but I was back.

"Damn, you look good! And tan!" Harper squealed as she looked me over. "What the fuck! Do I need to spend a month out there too?"

I squeezed her tight, happy to see my best friend again, and then chuckled at her outburst. "If you do, I'll tell you where to go. I found some great beaches, and a gorgeous hotel on the water. I even found some good places to eat, like the best fish tacos ever."

"Fish tacos, huh?" she asked while wiggling her eyebrows at me.

I just rolled my eyes and started walking back up the driveway, dragging my two new suitcases with me. "Not everything is about sex, damnit! I mean these were actual tacos made with real fish and they were beyond yummy! They had shrimp ones too!"

"Okay, okay! I was just teasing! I was just wondering if you got some while you were out there."

"No. I wasn't looking." I sighed to myself because I knew why I hadn't. I may not have been ready to see Shiloh, but it didn't mean I didn't miss her.

"I'm just teasing. I'm sorry, I just want to see you smiling again, and I think you look a lot happier now. Blake is gone, you're a hot and rich single woman, and while you may not have got any in California, I bet you could have!"

I wasn't going to deny that, but I also wasn't going to let her know that she was right either. "It was a good trip, and I think I got my head screwed on right. That is the important thing."

"And Shiloh?"

I hesitated for a moment, then shrugged. "I can't turn off what I felt, and what I feel, but I don't want to rush it. That day in court is hard to get out of my head, but I'll give her a chance to talk and explain. But not till I'm ready."

She nodded slowly, a small smile on her face. "That seems like a safe way to go. And we're going to the new place today, right?"

"We're going to a hotel today, and then the new place tomorrow for the closing. I'll probably need an air mattress for guests until I can get furniture delivered, because the place is empty. I was hoping maybe you guys could visit for Christmas?"

"We have several spare air mattresses," she said, waving off that worry. "And I'm sure we'll be there, never doubt! I bet it will be nice to be able to decorate the house on your own without having your folks or Blake try to influence things."

I snorted as we reached the front door that was still open because she'd never shut it in her haste to come greet me. "None of them will even know where to find me. They're all blocked, and I don't see why that should change. My parents can go have another kid if they want someone to do their bidding. I certainly wasn't able to that for them."

"That was their loss. Come on, let's get you cleaned up, and we'll figure out what you want to bring with you to the new place! I can't wait, this will be so fun!"

She had a point. I'd bought a last minute hoodie out in San Diego when I remembered where I was going, and almost nothing I had in my suitcases would be suitable for a winter out on Cape Cod other than the jeans, so I would have to go back to look at what I had here. A lot of that was business wear, and while I'd need some of that to meet prospective clients, I wanted to get a lot more casual clothing. I guess Harper would be happy helping me get a lot of new clothes too!

Reid and the kids weren't up yet, and I realized that Harper had gotten up purely to see me when I arrived, and it made my heart warm a little that I still had my best friend after disappearing on her. I really needed her.

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