Chapter 30

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Shiloh stiffened in my arms, as though she couldn't believe I was hugging her, and I loosened my grip to look down at her. Her eyes were red and swollen from crying, and I knew I'd been the one that caused it, however inadvertently. I reached a cold thumb up, wiping away a stray tear that was still at the corner of her eye.

"Kenley?" She looked up at me in disbelief. "But I saw you with..."

"Yes, I know what you saw and it was just a friend and nothing more," I interrupted. "And I thought you were only interested in me because of Blake's money. But we were both wrong, and I don't want to spend any more time with misunderstandings keeping me from you. I'm so sorry I never read that letter, it would have saved us so much trouble!"

She just stared, and slowly a smile spread over her face. "Can we go somewhere? I just checked out of here, but I think we have a lot to talk about. I missed you so much!"

"Yeah! Would you like to go back to that bar? Or go to my house?" I couldn't get enough of that smile, and I was going to do my best to keep it there.

She shook her head as soon as I mentioned the bar. "Your house. I don't think we'd be able to talk back at the bar, it was too noisy. Besides, I might need more of these hugs."

"Just hugs?" I asked with a raised brow. We hadn't teased each other in so long that I think I caught her by surprise. I guess when it came to that, we just fell right back into a natural pattern.

Her face turned red, and I was pretty sure it wasn't from the cold, though that may have been a part of it. "Keep that up and there might be a lot more than hugging."

"Okay, follow me then. You'll have to show me the new car some other time, it looks good though." I released her, though I didn't want to, and started walking back towards my own SUV.

"Did you eat?" she asked, as I opened the driver's side door.

I shook my head. "No, but I have food in the house. I just want to go talk and then we can worry about the rest afterwards." I knew I'd need to eat, but I had leftovers in the fridge, or I could whip up something quick If need be.

"Okay, then drive fast," she told me. "I've been away from you for too long already, and I don't want to do that again."

"Think you can keep up?" I asked while I hopped in.

"Kenley, I'll be right on your ass!"

"Promises, promises!" I closed the door and started my car up, moving my vehicle to give her room, and then waited by the parking lot exit so she could get a good view of my SUV. I could tell that she was in a hurry, because she was right behind me seconds later, and I headed towards my house with the biggest smile I'd had in over a month. The last hour had been a big roller coaster, but I was ready to make sure that Shiloh wasn't going anywhere never again.

I drove fast. Not crazy fast, but I couldn't wait to get home and hold Shiloh again, this time without so many layers of clothing. Maybe even no layers depending on how the night went. I felt like a kid in a candy store as I remembered all the times that I'd seen her in something that left little to the imagination. I knew that under those 400 layers of clothes that were needed to keep her warm in the New England winter was the sexiest woman I'd ever seen.

I might have worked myself up a little by the time I pulled up in front of the house, and opened the garage door, pulling my car in and directing her to take the spot next to mine. I finally got to see her car now that there was enough light, and she had good taste. A blue Subaru Impreza with a sunroof. Perfect, it fit her personality well too. I walked around my car and helped her out. She gave me another quick hug before she grabbed her suitcase from the back seat, and then I led the way into the house.

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