Chapter 33

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"Which blue do you like better?" I asked Shiloh as we compared paint swatches. She'd been living with me ever since New Years, and now as February was turning into March, things had never been better. We'd settled into a pattern that made us both smile continuously, and I think we were more than content with our decision to have her move in.

There were a lot of changes that had happened, and all of them brought us closer together. First, as Harper had suggested, I'd never finished buying furniture for the house, and Shiloh turned out to be a natural at decorating. She'd received an Arts degree from SUNY Albany but had never put it to use. She'd spent so much time waitressing for the quick cash from tips to help her mom, that she had never really had a chance to go through interviews or anything to use her degree.

But not anymore.

Now she was helping get our house in order, with everything from buying more furniture to altering the layouts of the existing furniture. We were on a painting kick now and had been doing accent walls to make everything pop. We'd be visiting art galleries when we were done with that, and then decide which pieces we could highlight with more paint, or would complement the existing paint. 

On her career side, I already added her as my partner in the company. I could do all the civil engineering, and she would help with the interiors doing space planning to maximize the utility of the office spaces. It was a niche market with little competition, and she started getting more work than I did in a short time! I was thrilled to see her doing what she'd been meant to, and she was happy to feel like she didn't need me to be her sugar mommy.

Not that I was going to stop spoiling her.

Truthfully, I didn't need to. I would have bought her a car, but she already did that with the money I'd given her and Nina, so I didn't need to. She did surprise me a little though, as she pointed out that my SUV would be perfect for riding around in the cold winter months, and in the rain, but her sporty little sedan with the sunroof would be perfect for trips in the summertime. Even before we got back together, she was planning for us. How could I not love this woman?

And love her, I did. Almost every day we found ourselves naked somewhere, and that usually led to a lot of moaning and happy screaming. Many days we never even got dressed, as there was no point in it. We would paint walls naked, have non-video work meetings naked, cook and eat naked, and then fuck each other senseless naked.

It was a damned good life.

The blue paint we were looking at was for the media room, because we wanted a dark color behind the big screen TV, and we were still narrowing our choices. "I think we should get samples of each, then paint a little bit of the wall so we can see how it looks in our lighting. Everything looks so similar here in the store," she finally decided.

"That is an excellent plan! More naked painting!"

She grinned in response before shaking her head. "Just no more paint on my boobs! That took forever to get off!"

"Fine, fine, I'll save other things for putting on your boobs," I agreed. I had visions of a whipped cream bikini on her already.

We picked out the paint colors, which had lovely names like Beacon Blue, Deep River, and Sailor's Bay, and then paid for small sample containers before we headed out to the SUV. We were still using my car for now, just because it had heated seats, which we liked. Our butts certainly enjoyed the warmth, so while it was chilly, we kept using it.

When we left, we found a little lunch spot that we hadn't been to before. Since our relationship was in an odd spot, we were more than girlfriends, less than fiancés, but hadn't really dated before, so we took every chance we could to go do things like this together. Neither of us had been familiar with the area before, and now we had fun trying out all manner of new seaside places all over the cape and the surrounding area. Rumor had it, when the weather got warmer, there would be food trucks galore too, all eager to serve the hungry tourists that would be flocking to the beaches. We were already anticipating a lot of evenings sampling those, and then taking the food to either the beach, our hot tub, or our boat.

Ahh yes, the boat.

We hadn't bought one just yet, but we'd been looking. There were a lot of gorgeous ones, and we wanted to make sure we had one that could fit a crowd. We were planning a 4th of July get together with Harper and her family, as well as Kate and Gloria, so that already was eight people. If Shiloh's mom and her girlfriend came, then we would be at ten. We needed a big boat for pleasure cruises!

In my mind, it was still too early for boats to be in the water, but we'd browsed a little at some local dealers, and had a good idea of what we wanted. There was a fine line between finding something perfect for us on weekends and yet big enough for a group of people. Well, it was that or buy two boats. That just seemed a little crazy, even with all the money on hand from selling the companies, so we were leaning towards just finding the perfect boat for us and making sure that it would still be versatile. Much like finding a car, I was sure we'd find just what we needed.

Today's lunch place was in the town of Hyannis, at a place called Baxter's Boathouse. It was literally right on the water and had some amazingly fresh seafood. One thing I was glad for was that both Shiloh and I were big fans of fish, though mostly to eat, not to have as pets. There were so many good places with seafood that had been served up after being caught that morning, that seafood lovers were in heaven here.

Shiloh went with a delicious looking clam chowder, while I went with an equally tasty seafood bisque. We weren't hesitant to share either, each of us stealing the occasional spoonful that was offered. Did we moan a little in appreciation? Perhaps. But we moaned a lot these days, so we were getting used to it. That led us to a couple of shrimp and scallop skewers that were grilled because we were trying to avoid the fried food. It was so yummy, but we knew that too much would be bad in the long run.

"You know, maybe we should try fishing," Shiloh mentioned as she popped a shrimp into her mouth. "I bet we could cook up whatever we caught."

I thought about that for a minute. It was tempting and would be a lot cheaper than going out to eat several times a week. "I've never tried it, but I bet we could. I'm sure we could get the gear for it and try from the dock, or just wait till we got the boat and go then."

"I've never done it either, but I bet it would be fun!" she admitted. "We might not catch what we set out to, but if we find a lot of recipes then we'll always have something we can do with whatever we catch!"

Of course, for the rest of lunch, I was looking up recipes, and she was looking up fishing gear and techniques. I loved our dynamic. So far, we'd done everything together by jumping in with both feet and saying fuck it. As long as we did things with one another, we were happy. This was exactly the life that I'd been looking for in a relationship, and I expected things to just keep getting better.

Yes, there were still things that we hadn't discussed yet. We both knew we wanted some kids just because we loved hanging out with Eden and Trey when we were at Harper's house. But we didn't know if we'd adopt, or if one of us would carry with a donor, or even how many we wanted. We both acted as though we were married, though an actual wedding hadn't been planned, and no dates had ever been brought up.

But there were easy things that we knew right away. Working together professionally had been a breeze with our collaborative efforts having turned out seamlessly. She liked the right side of the bed, while I liked the left, so that wasn't an issue either. We both also wanted cats, and that was going to happen soon, because we needed warm, furry bodies to snuggle with. In fact, there was a no kill shelter that we planned to visit that weekend that would probably give us our first fur babies.

"Damn! They have some crazy fishing stuff out there!" Shiloh muttered as she scrolled through her phone. "But there are a lot of yummy fish around here to catch, so I think we'll do well once we learn how. Oh, and we probably need the boat sooner to catch them!"

"And I know we'll do that, we're too stubborn not to."

She snickered as she reached out and slipped her hand into mine. "You're not wrong about that. Now let's go do some naked painting and then hop in the hot tub after dinner?"

She didn't need to ask me twice!

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