Chapter 14

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I woke up the next day with a dry mouth and an aching head. I rolled over, half expecting to find Shiloh next to me, but the bed was empty. With a groan, half of pain and half of disappointment, I sat up and struggled to find my phone. I saw it over on the end table, and crawled that way, only then realizing that I was in nothing but my panties and my tank top. How the hell did that happen? What even happened last night?

               My phone was plugged in, and fully charged, for which I was grateful, and there were two bottles of water and a pair of Advil with it. Damn, Shiloh really went all out to make sure I was in good shape this morning! I quickly uncapped the water, then swallowed the pills, hoping they would help quickly. The time on my phone said it was 12:30, which explained why Shiloh was gone, as well as why I was famished.

               When I lifted the phone, I heard a little crinkling sound that alerted me to a small, folded piece of paper that was under it, and I lay back in bed to read it. I'd never seen Shiloh's handwriting, but I could tell it was from her immediately.


               I'm sorry I couldn't be there when you woke up, but I had to see my mom this morning. As always, it was wonderful to spend time with you, and I hope there will be many more nights with us together in the future. Don't worry about the hearing, I have little doubt that it will go even better than expected. I can't wait to see you again, and never doubt yourself when it comes to my feelings for you.


The first thing I noticed was that she had very elegant handwriting, and that she was so sweet to try and put me at ease before the hearing, since I wouldn't see her till afterwards. I certainly wasn't going to be showing this to Blake, so he couldn't hold whatever was between me and Shiloh against me. With a smile, I put the note back on the end table, and drank more of the water before laying back on the bed.

I only let myself do that for a few minutes before I heaved myself out of the bed. I threw on a pair of sweatpants, and then trudged slowly upstairs. I needed food or I might faint. I headed right for the fridge and took out the carton of eggs, then heated up the skillet. I popped two pieces of toast in the toaster before putting a little butter in the skillet, then cracking three eggs into with it to get them cooking. It was satisfying to hear the sizzling of the eggs cooking and I could hear my stomach rumbling as the scent hit me. I put some salt and pepper on there, then took them off the heat, flipping them for a few seconds to get them done over easy, I slipped them onto the plate, then buttered the toast and started shoveling everything into my mouth. It wasn't dainty at all, but I was desperate.

I didn't even sit down to eat, just leaning on the counter and staying there when I was done. I drank more water, finally sighing as the food hit my system. I really needed that! I felt good the longer I stood there, and I looked out the window at the sun shining on the pool and grass in the backyard. I wasn't fooled, I knew it was cold, but it looked pretty. The leaves had already turned into a riot of colors, and it was a gorgeous view. As much as I wasn't thrilled with snow and cold, I'd probably still stay in the northeast after the company was sold, just for the foliage.

With the food in my belly along with the medicine and water, I was soon feeling better. Not perfect, but at least I was feeling human enough for a shower and getting dressed. I didn't want to do anything hard today, so resting and hanging out with Harper was about the extent of the plans. The shower helped even more with the hangover recovery, and Harper was home a short time after that with the kids. We followed through on the plan, and had a great day hanging out and doing everything under the sun to keep my mind off the hearing.

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