Chapter 20

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Kenley's POV

               Someone shaking my shoulder woke me up, and I would have jumped to my feet in shock if not for the seatbelt strapping me in. "I'm sorry ma'am, but we've landed. You need to deplane." The young flight attendant had a smile on her face, but I was sure the crew wanted to get the plane cleaned up, and I was in the way.

               "Thanks. Umm. Where are we again?" I realized that would sound like a stupid question, but I'd grabbed the first ticket to somewhere warm that I could after wandering the streets for way too long in the cold rain, and I blanked on my decision. At this point I'd be thrilled if I avoided getting sick.

               She just grinned at me. "San Diego. The local time is just after 11pm. Are you okay?"

               That was an excellent question. Was I? My head hurt, my body hurt, and my heart... Let's not discuss that. "No, but I hope I can be. Thanks." I picked up my purse and the soggy bag of my clothes from under the seat in front of me and stood up. I stretched my back, then looked back from the first class cabin and didn't see anyone else on the plane. Damn, they really had been nice to let me sleep this long. "Thanks for everything. Have a great night." I said with a smile, which she returned, and then walked off the plane, and up the jetway.

               I wasn't sure how long I'd wandered around White Plains in the rain. I know I was chilled to the bone within minutes, but that numbness helped, I think, because it distracted me from everything else that had happened. It had been pretty obvious that Shiloh had something to do with me not only not losing my company, but also being awarded Blake's, but that didn't make me feel any better at all. Knowing that he'd hired her, and that she'd done all that for a paycheck, made me too hurt and angry to be near anyone. I needed to get away, get out of the city.

               The roar of a jet flying overhead had given me the idea that I needed.

               Which is how I found myself in San Diego wearing an ugly pair of sweatpants and tee shirt emblazoned in New York City logos that were purchased from a terminal gift shop. A pair of similarly hideous crocs adorned my bare feet, and I had nothing on under any of my new clothes because my bra and panties were soaked too. They didn't sell those in the airport gift shop, so I would have to wait until I got to my destination. Which was evidently here in San Diego.

               Once I got off the jetway, I found the signs for the ground transport and headed that way. I needed a hotel, preferably one that would relax me. I didn't know the first thing about San Diego other than it was warm and located on the Pacific Ocean, and that was good enough for me. I found my way to the taxi stand, and ignored the odd looks from the other people in line while I waited my turn. I didn't care what they thought, I'd dealt with that most of my life from my parents.

               When at last I got into the cab, it was driven by a bearded older man who greeted me warmly. He obviously was well trained in ignoring the wreckage of the passengers that came through his cab. Most people would look twice at my outfit, disheveled hair, and lack of makeup and cringe, but he didn't seem to care. Oh, but I had my gorgeous Coach purse that thankfully kept everything important free of the water that had soaked me in New York. So, I had that going for me.

               "Good evening, miss. Where can I take y'all tonight?" he asked with a thick southern accent.

               I grunted, not having thought that far ahead. "I need a hotel. A nice one, preferably on the beach. I don't care what the price is. Nothing downtown, I need to relax."

He nodded and broke into a smile. "Ahh! You want the Pink Lady. The La Valencia hotel. Right on the beach in La Jolla, and perfect if ya need to get away from everything."

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