Chapter 22

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Shiloh's POV

Thanksgiving was a very bittersweet day. Weeks ago, we'd all talked about having a meal at Harper's house together, and I have a feeling that Harper would have been happy for me to invite my mom along. Instead, it was just me and mom back at our place, and no Kenley to speak of. Harper probably would have still invited us, but I think she half expected Kenley to show up and didn't want me to be there to ruin the meal. I could hardly blame her. It had been almost a month since Kenley had disappeared, and my heart was aching for her, but that wouldn't be how I wanted to see her and disrupt a holiday.

But not all was negative, as my mom was finally back up and about. She'd been out of her bedroom and mobile for about a week now and was doing so much better. It would be a little bit before she had her strength again, but I could see more color in her cheeks, and more energy in her actions every day, and that was what mattered. She told me that she'd talked to her supervisor at her old job, and that they'd bring her back on again in another three weeks, and she was already excited.

With her feeling so much healthier, I ran to the store and got a small turkey, some potatoes, carrots, and stuffing, and we had our own little meal. My mom may have been walking, but I was going to do the cooking. I became her hands, doing everything she told me to under her watchful eye, and I think it worked out pretty well. The meal was certainly tasty, and while I wasn't sure I could replicate it on my own, especially her home made gravy, I wasn't as useless as I used to be. I'd have her teach me a few more things now that she was feeling better so I wasn't completely helpless in a kitchen. It wasn't like I could rely on anyone else to cook for me, right?

Of course, after dinner when I got my mom settled, you know what I did. I drove over to Harper's house, just to see. I had to, you know? Yes, call me a stalker, or desperate, or whatever else you like. They'd all be true, but I really was dying to see Kenley. Everything seemed so easy in my mind. I would just give her the letter again, I'd even taped it back together, though without the envelope, and have her read it. I didn't even need her to have me there for it. She might still not want to take me back, but I couldn't bear to have her hate me after all that had happened. I liked her too much, and it was killing me to have this immense gulf between us.

When I rang the doorbell, Harper answered it without a trace of surprise on her face. I'd been there at least once a week since Kenley had left, and she had to have been expecting me. "She isn't here. I'm sorry. I still don't know where she is, nor when she's coming back. I really don't know what to tell you because she's not telling me anything either."

Yeah, she gave me the complete recap in thirty seconds, and my heart fell at the news. "Do you think she'll come back?"

She opened her mouth, probably to say something like 'of course' and then shut it. "I really don't know. I've never seen her like this. I guess it depends on what she finds out there. I'd like to think that I'm not replaceable as a friend, but she doesn't have anything else to tie her down here. She could be anywhere right now enjoying a meal with all new friends, enjoying herself and forgetting about us all."

"And replacing me," I said softly.

Harper reached out, pulling me into a gentle hug, and rubbing my back. "I guess we'll find out. At some point she'll reach out, I just don't know when. But I have faith that I'll hear from her soon."

I sighed deeply into her shoulder, trying not to lose too much hope. I barely had any left at this point, but I was hanging onto a little thread. "Harper, please. You have to help me talk to her. I'm begging here, okay? I know, it might be the wrong move, and I might make things worse, but you have no idea how much I miss her and want to be with her!"

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