Chapter 27

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Shiloh's POV

The Loft turned out to be what looked like a typical bar, though nicer than most I'd seen back in New York. But the food was a class above what I would have expected, and I'd really liked it the first night I'd got there on my scouting mission. I mean, the selection wasn't like a bar at all, and when they brought me the broiled scallops, I almost died of happiness. I'd taken a look around and found a nice corner of the bar that was up against the wall and allowed me to keep an eye on the front door, and figured I could get there in the evening and stake the place out.

The only problem was that the New Year's Eve party they were hosting started at 6pm, and that would be a long wait if she didn't get there early. But it didn't matter! I was there for one thing, errr... person, and that was Kenley. I could handle one night with a little stress while looking for her.

I was staying at a little Days Inn on the main road that ran through Yarmouth, and I hadn't slept well the night before. I was too excited, and my brain alternated being thrilled at the prospect of seeing Kenley, and then turning around to feed me horrible images of Kenley walking out of the bar after slapping me. Neither of the two options helped me sleep, but I did doze a little.

After checking with Harper to make sure I was understanding her hint, I'd packed enough clothes for a week. She assured me it was legit, but also said not to go early, I had to wait till New Years for some reason. Yes, I was optimistic in my packing, but I was hoping that Harper wouldn't have given me the clue if Kenley wasn't ready to see me, or at least hear me out. And yeah, I was hoping that there may be a few dates after the new year, so I was prepared to stay here because I didn't want to wait weeks to see Kenley again. With tonight being the first time that I'd seen her in two months, I tried to look my best. I wore a pair of tight black jeans, short dress boots with a low heel, and a sparkly black sweater that was set off with some modest white gold jewelry. I had a black leather overcoat to keep me warm while walking to and from the car. Yeah, I could have beefed up my jewelry collection with the money that she'd given me, but the only thing that I'd used that for was a new car to replace my old one when it died one too many times.

I showed up at 7pm, just based on the recommendation of the bartender who said that most of the early people are there for dinner, and don't stick around for the festivities. After a short wait, I was able to snag my preferred barstool, as well as the one next to it so that I could hopefully flag Kenley down and have her sit with me. With that done, I breathed a sigh of relief, and looked over the menu. I figured if I got a good meal in, and one glass of wine, then I could nurse something weaker while waiting for her to show up. The last thing I needed was to get drunk while waiting for the girl I was hoping to win over. That wouldn't be a good look.

I had my purse safe against the wall, with the taped together letter I had originally given to Harper in the courtroom underneath it for safekeeping. I had added a few things to it since then, like my phone number and a postscript. This morning I even did a last minute addition of the hotel and room number too. I was half expecting her to not give me a chance to talk, so I needed a way for her to contact me.

As much as I wanted to go with a fish dish, since we were on the Cape and it seemed appropriate, I decided to go with something heavier for the night to fill me up. So, I ordered the braised short ribs with mashed potatoes, and a glass of Merlot to go along with it. Just like the night before, the food was great, and I took my time enjoying it. There was a live band there for the celebration, and the crowd started to grow around 8pm so that it was harder to keep an eye on the front door.

It was also hard to keep people away from the seat I'd saved for Kenley. Most times, I'd just tell the person who wanted to sit there that my girlfriend was sitting there, and they'd move along. But there were a lot of people looking for seats, and it became harder once the bar started filling up.

"Hey, that seat is taken!" My voice was raised to be heard over the crowd. I was talking to a preppy looking guy in a suit that seemed completely out of place in the bar.

"Yeah, I've been watching the seat for half an hour and she ain't here," he said with a sneer. "The seat is mine now." I'd seen him standing nearby, because he was obviously with the similarly dressed guy sitting on the stool next to that one while they chatted.

"Listen, asshole, the seat is taken. Now get the fuck up." I wasn't going to let this dick mess up my plans.

"No chance, this is mine now. I'm not standing around just because you're getting stood up." He turned his back and proceeded to ignore me. I think my brain may have exploded inside my skull when he said that.

"You little fucker!" I pushed him on the back of the shoulder. "Is that how you think things work in a bar? You just grab a stool like that when someone is saving it? I'm going to make it my fucking mission to make sure any woman you talk to tonight thinks you're my ex and have every STD under the fucking sun."

"Woah, hold on!" came the asshole's seatmate. "Harv, just take my seat. I'll stand, and she can wait for her friend. Everyone wins."

I didn't like the idea of Harv the dick winning, but I wasn't going to be making a big stink about it. As long as he shut up and left me alone, I'd be more than happy. But if he hit on Kenley when she got here, I might knock a tooth loose for him. "Thanks." I nodded to the friend, and then glared once more at Harv before looking back over the door. I didn't think I'd missed her slipping into the bar, so I just kept looking.

And then she walked in.

My mouth curved into a smile and my heart felt like it did a little jig as I caught sight of her auburn hair and gorgeous features with the stunning body that seemed to glide into the bar. I couldn't see those hazel eyes of hers from this distance, but there was a smile on her face as she turned to the blonde woman that she was holding hands with. Wait, what? My own smile faltered as she dipped her head so the shorter woman could whisper something to her, and I saw her lift her eyes as she nodded. Even from where I was seated, I could see her scanning the bar, as though looking for empty seats, and I ducked behind Harv for a moment before I decided what to do.

I'll admit, I panicked. I didn't want her to see me if she was with someone else, it would be too humiliating, so I grabbed my purse and bolted towards a side door that was labeled exit only. The frigid air hit me like a blast, and I could feel the tears streaming coldly down my cheeks as I stumbled towards my car. When I reached it, I used the keyless entry to unlock it, and then flopped into the driver's seat. It was a blue Subaru Impreza and so new that it still had that new car scent. All that did was remind me that Kenley had allowed me to buy this with her generous gift and yet she was in the bar with another woman. I'd lost her. I thought I still had a chance when Harper made her post, but I guess not. I tried not to sob too much, but I couldn't help it, I just sat in the car for a few minutes before I finally started it up.

I guess I didn't need the long hotel stay, it was time to go home.

I took my time driving back to the Days Inn, because while it was still early there could be crazy people on the road for the holiday. Hell, as emotional as I was at the moment, I might be one of them. When I got to the hotel, I took out my suitcase and started getting everything out of the hotel dresser to pack it up. If I'd known this was going to happen, I wouldn't have packed so much. Hell, no, I wouldn't have even come. Fuck! I looked at the clothes I had brought for dates, and I just threw them on the bed before I lay down next to them, the sobs becoming ugly harsher and uglier.

Fuck it. If she had moved on, I guess it would be time for me to do the same.

After gathering myself, I stood back up, throwing all my clothes into the suitcase, and then getting all my toiletries from the bathroom. Once everything was done, I called the front desk, and told them I needed to check out early. They had no problem with that, and I'd be refunded the remaining nights on the stay, so it wasn't bad.

I took one last look around the room, then walked out to my car, tossing the suitcase into the back seat. I settled into the driver's seat again and started up the car. I had just put it into reverse, when bright lights almost blinded me as another car pulled up behind me.

What the hell?

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