Chapter 25

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"Sign here, and the house is yours!" said the man from the title office. Evidently the previous owner had done all of this electronically, as they were now living down in North Carolina, and I smiled as I signed my name on the contract. Yes, Harper had already looked it over, she couldn't stop the lawyer in her from doing it, and I passed over the cashier's check for the house. It's amazing how fast a $5 million check can increase the speed of buying a house, right?

I knew my real estate agent was thrilled, because her commission would be giving her a nice Christmas bonus too. Everyone wins! There were handshakes and hugs, and then a small sip of champagne because people were driving, and then Harper and I were screaming as we ran through the house like we were kids, trying to take everything in.

Every one of the four bedrooms had an attached bath. The entire top floor was a media room with a bathroom that I already could tell would double as my office since it had a commanding view from up there. The kitchen was a work of art, and Harper was already worried that Reid would either want to move in or renovate their kitchen after seeing it. The dining room was spacious, and the family room had a big fireplace that would be perfect for snuggles. I'd originally planned to make one of the bedrooms the gym, but when I saw the living room, I decided to put it there instead, since I doubted I needed that space when I already had a family room there plus the media room. Besides, who would want to carry all the gym equipment up an extra flight of stairs?

Best of all, every single room had a gorgeous view. I would need a lot of curtains hung, because I planned on parading around naked a lot with the house to myself. Luckily, Harper was handy with that kind of stuff since Reid was out a lot, and I had every intention of learning how to do it myself. I mentally added tools to the list of things I'd need to buy.

It only got more exciting when the delivery truck with the things I'd saved from New York got there in the early afternoon. Seeing the bedroom come to life with the furniture really got me excited about decorating the rest of the house, and that meant shopping. It wasn't a hard trip. We needed a lot, but not all of it needed to be there fast. We needed bar stools to eat at the kitchen counter, which was really the only thing I wanted now. I also needed a lot of outdoor furniture considering I had three decks, but with winter approaching that could be ordered to be delivered later. Likewise, I only needed one guest bedroom quickly, as the air mattresses would do for kids, and Reid and Harper only needed the one for the Christmas visit. But even that could be delivered as long as it was there in under three weeks. I'd also need multiple televisions because I didn't want to be limited to one place. It was going to be a busy shopping trip.

Oh, and the hot tub. I needed that fast because I wanted to enjoy it every night!

"Come on, we can still do some shopping before stores close!" Harper said eagerly once the bedroom was set up. The kitchen boxes weren't unpacked yet, but that was okay. For the next few days, I was expecting to do a lot of take out, but I knew I'd need to do food shopping as well.

"Furniture or clothes?" I asked. "I need both!"

"Then both, it is. You know I'll never turn down a shopping trip."

"Oh yeah, I know!" Her family was well off too, and in college she loved to go shopping to blow off some stress, and I'd always be the one that ended up carrying all her stuff for her. I had little doubt that she'd find some more on this trip, and then bring everything back for the family.

We were out for the rest of the day. The clothes were the easy part, because I just needed a lot of casual things, and ended up with more jeans, sweaters, and hoodies as well as a couple new pairs of boots. I still had all the stuff I bought in San Diego, and I knew I could always buy more if I needed it. Harper wasted no time getting multiple Cape Cod logo hoodies for the family, and then a few tank tops and tees as well as she planned to be there in the summer. I already knew I'd want her to leave clothes here so she could visit whenever she liked, just like she had done for me at her place.

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