Chapter 12

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"Damn, that Maid Marian is a babe," Shiloh said while nudging my ribs. We were all up on the couch, and the kids had voted for the Disney animated film Robin Hood, and we were all enjoying it while snuggled up under a big blanket. The kids were watching it from a pile of pillows on the floor where popcorn was already getting spilled while Reid was napping. He'd had a late catering job, so we were going to make his life easier with meals later.

"She's a real fox, yeah," I agreed with a giggle. I know, stupid pun.

"Okay, wait." Harper turned the volume up so the kids couldn't hear us and moved closer. "Which Disney character would you go for first?"

"If they were real?" I confirmed.


"Belle!" Shiloh answered quickly. "I love brunettes, and I know she's smart, but has a little freak in her if she loves the beast." I could feel her hand squeeze my thigh really quick, and I couldn't help but blush. Damn, that was a good answer though!

"I have to go with Elsa," I told them. "I love a hot blonde, and she can make a whole castle for me? Hell yeah!"

"Judy Hops for me," Harper said, causing us to both look over at her in shock.

"The bunny?" I asked.

"Fuck yeah!" she replied. "If I'm gonna get with someone else, I need a lot of sex. Bunnies have a lot of sex. Oh, and she has her own handcuffs, so that will come in handy. Judy will be my bunny bitch!" We all broke up into hysterical laughter, that was so bad that Eden had to get up and throw popcorn at us. But it was worth it because we ate that popcorn right up.

It was a good time, and while Shiloh and I were sitting next to each other, we didn't do too much touching. Other than the one time she grabbed my thigh, we just held hands a few times. Or once, really, that lasted the entire movie. But that was a lot better than it could have been.

"Trey and Eden, what are you guys going to be for Halloween?" I asked when the movie was wrapping up. We weren't too far from that day, and I knew they would be going out trick or treating with Harper and Reid, because I already told them I'd hand out candy for them. I was always a little excited about it, because my old house never had kids come by for candy, and I liked seeing the little ones all dressed up and looking cute.

"Rapunzel!" yelled Eden

"Woody!" replied Trey.

Neither of those answers shocked me, as they both loved those characters. In fact, I was pretty sure they'd gone as those exact characters last year, so if their costumes still fit then it was an easy costume for them to use.

"Shiloh, you should come over for that," Harper said as she leaned over me. "Kenley will be here alone handing out candy, so you could keep her company."

"Yeah, and I might be a little stressed. It's two days before the hearing is finally here, and I'll be on edge," I pointed out. I tried not to get too worried about it, but I knew that the closer we got to the big day, the more I'd just want it all over with.

She looked over at me with a smirk. "Want me to provide stress relief?"

"No!" I cried out, knowing exactly what she meant and praying that I wouldn't blush too much.

"I'm kidding. I know I have to wait. But I can bring over a few drinks and we can relax after the kids are done with the candy grab."

"Yes!" agreed Harper. "I like that plan. I might need some too, just in case," she added with a grin.

"Got it," Shiloh said with a nod. "You get the candy, and I'll get the booze."

I had a warm feeling in my belly at that point. I would be close to being single again, and I knew that Shiloh was as excited about that as I was. I might need a hotel afterwards, just because as private as the basement was, I didn't want my first time with her to be down there. I'd rather get a nice room for the night. Or maybe a few nights.

"I think that will be a great time," I said quietly. "I can't wait to be done with all this."

"I know, hon." Harper pulled me in for a hug. "I have everything under control, so we'll be in and out in no time, okay?"

I nodded absently. I'd been more careful at work than usual, never leaving my office unless it was absolutely necessary. I didn't trust Blake to not try anything at the last minute to swoop in and steal the company, but I wasn't going to do it. Even Shiloh was being extra careful at lunch, making sure there were several feet between us every time she was in my office. I wasn't going to give him anything to work with, he'd have to make something up. But still, he might just try that, which Harper already knew.

We ended up watching another movie, Zootopia to Harper's delight, before starting to cook up some dinner. Were there comments about Judy Hops' ass? There may have been, I won't lie.

"Damn Harper, the way Judy moves, you might be in trouble if she straps you! You'll be pounded!"

"You know it will look like a carrot too," I snickered.

"Okay, okay, calm down you two!" Harper said, though I could tell she was thinking about it now. Reid might get some later! "Come on, let's get the food going.

"Okay, I'll handle the grill," I told Harper and Shiloh. "One of you has kid duty, and one is on side dish duty.

"I'll take the kids, I wouldn't wish that on an enemy," Harper muttered. They were already getting changed to jump in the pool, so hopefully she'd have it easy. If the kids were hyper, the pool was the best place for them to burn off the excess energy.

"Okay, what am I making?"

"You're going to get some corn on the cob going, and then heat up the baked beans and cut up some watermelon. I'll take care of the cheeseburgers and hot dogs," I explained while pointing out where everything was located in the kitchen. "Are you okay with this, or would you rather switch?"

"Nah, this isn't bad. I can handle things like this, but maybe you can give me some more cooking lessons later?"

"Sure thing. Thanksgiving is a fun one. We all pitch in, so Reid doesn't have to cook an entire feast, because people love to hire him that weekend. But we all make a bunch of stuff, and Harper and Reid invite both sets of parents over too. It gets pretty busy."

"Mmmm, I love a good turkey," she moaned a little at the thought, and my eyes snapped to her, only to see her winking to let me know that it was for my benefit.

"You know, by that time we should have already been on a few dates. Maybe I'll even show you how to get a cavity all filled up with stuffing."

She immediately started to laugh out loud, and I couldn't help but join her. "Oh damn. Kenley, in the history of flirting, that was the worst thing anyone has ever said to try and be sexy with!" she howled.

"I know, I know!" I admitted, with tears of embarrassed laughter flowing from my eyes. "I have no idea what I was thinking!"

"It's okay." She pulled me into a gentle hug, just in case I wanted to pull away, then kissed the top of my head. "You're lucky you're cute, because comedy isn't your gig."

I was still shaking with laughter at my ineptness. And my arms snuck around her back, feeling her muscles as I sank into her embrace. "It's okay. It still made us laugh, right?"

"Yeah, it did. But please, don't fill any of my cavities with stuffing, okay? Just use your fingers."

I pulled away, slapping her shoulders. "You're supposed to behave!"

"I am!" she said with a little pout. "I was just saying, in the future. Not now, obviously. I'm not thinking about you taking me here on the counter at all. It's all your imagination."

"Just whose imagination is that?" I asked, trying not to giggle again. I lowered my voice and moved closer. "Tell me you want me. I want to hear it."

She leaned in, whispering close enough that I could feel her breath on my earlobe. "Kenley, I want you. I want you more than anything I've ever wanted, and I'm not exaggerating. It's been killing me to not be able to touch you and kiss you."

I nodded slowly, shivering a little at the thought. "Soon. Very soon," I promised. I was only glad that Blake's lawyer couldn't interview my heart. I may not have cheated on him physically, but I knew my heart was already aching for someone else. I was falling hard for this girl, and I didn't mind at all.

I just hoped that she'd be there to catch me.

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