Chapter 9

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I just sat on the floor of the shower for a minute, a gigantic smile on my face. Yeah, that just happened. Was I happy? Hell yes! But was I a little embarrassed? Well, yes and no. I felt too good to care about much right now, but I had to admit that when I saw Shiloh again I might be. Would I be able to even look her in the eye without blushing? Would she make a comment to tease me? I had no idea, but I wasn't going to trade that experience for anything. I'd needed it too bad! And it wasn't cheating, right? We never touched each other, and I only saw a foggy outline so I never even saw anything!

I guess she felt the same way, because when I finished getting dressed and went upstairs, she was gone. I looked out front, and didn't see any extra cars, though I'd never noticed what she drove the previous day, so I didn't know what I was looking for. Feeling a little let down, I padded my way to the kitchen to make some coffee. I didn't know if it was the feeling of Shiloh's body against mine when I woke up, or the orgasm, but I wasn't feeling too hungover at all. I had a little bit of dry mouth, but no headache. I'd have to thank Reid when I saw him too, as I had little doubt that the water that he'd been making me drink the previous day had something to do with that too.

I'd stayed at Harper's enough times in the mornings that I knew my way around the kitchen, and I quickly got the coffee pot going with six cups of coffee. I could hear the sound of the shower upstairs, and I assumed it was Reid getting ready for his catering job, so I took out a big travel mug, and got the creamer and sweetener loaded up in it so it wouldn't hold him up. I put a banana next to it so he could take something to go, and then got a pair of coffee mugs out for me and Harper too. I didn't expect her to be down any time soon, but I didn't want her stumbling around and making a mess while hung over.

A few minutes later, Reid was downstairs, sniffing the air like a dog in search of the coffee, and I filled up his mug, handing it over with the banana. "Harper wouldn't want you going off with nothing. Go have a great day, and thanks for a great day yesterday!"

"Thanks Kenley. It was great seeing you all have fun, and that girl of yours seems like a winner." He pulled me in for a hug before the lure of the coffee was too much and he released me for a sip.

"She's not my girl. Maybe someday, but we're trying to go slow." Of course, as soon as I said that I realized that what we'd shared this morning was anything but slow. I turned beet red at the memory and couldn't help the smile that formed on my lips.

"You okay?" Reid asked while taking another sip of coffee.

I looked over at him before turning away to hide my burning face. "Yeah. All good. Just a little flustered this morning. I wasn't used to having anyone in the guest room, and I was hoping I didn't make a fool of myself snoring."

I heard him snort in disbelief behind me. "Very believable. You might want to come up with a new story for Harper though."

"Shit. That bad?" I knew this was going to happen. If Reid could already see though me, Harper would probably think we fucked all night!

"You'll be fine. Harper is already rooting for you, so she'll be happy with anything as long as you don't do anything bad before the divorce."

"As often as we all say that, it makes me paranoid. I know what I'm supposed to be doing, and more importantly not doing, but with Shiloh around it's damned hard to keep my mind straight." I muttered bitterly.

"Kenley, the last thing you are is straight," Reid joked with a wink. "Just don't lose your head and you'll be fine."

I nodded slowly. "I know, and I'm trying. But that is still easier said than done. It's been only a few days and I know I'm in trouble. And I know Blake will try to fuck me over in these last few months."

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