Chapter 32

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"You know, I could have walked to the bedroom myself," Shiloh said as I carried her bridal style up the stairs. Her mouth was nuzzling my neck, and she was delightfully relaxed and naked in my arms.

I chuckled as I kept climbing the stairs. "You could have, eh? Is that why you almost fell when you got off the counter?" When I did help her down, she'd been so wobbly in the legs that I just scooped her up. As much fun as a counter had been, I fully intended to have round two in my bed! "Besides, I haven't given you the grand tour, and I didn't want you to get lost!"

"I can think of worse things than to be lost inside here and unable to leave!"

I reached the top of the stairs and took a left turn down to the master bedroom, which was a mammoth space taking up almost a third of the second floor. I had my bed made, but I could fix that in a moment, because I wanted to get Shiloh in my bed and keep her there. "I don't think I could bear for you to leave, so maybe I better keep you around."

I sat her on the foot of the bed, then quickly went up to the headboard, pulling the down comforter and sheets down before sliding my hands under her and picking her up again. I gave her ass a nice little squeeze, making her squeal in laughter, then deposited her back in the bed, right where I wanted her. "This place is gorgeous, Kenley. And with you here, that is all I need as a reason to stay."

I stood next to the bed as she lay back on the pillows watching me and started to strip off my own clothes. She'd seen me before, briefly, but now I was making sure to give her a little bit of a show, getting down to my deep purple bra and panty set to tempt her before slipping those off as well. "Then you won't need a little persuasion to stick around?"

Her eyes were raking me from head to toe as she enjoyed the view, and finally she shook her head. "I think maybe you better persuade me a little more. I might run away if you don't." There was a twinkle in her eyes as she held her arms out to me, and I knew damned well she wasn't going anywhere.

I smiled down at her, kneeling on the edge of the bed before sinking down into her arms. I felt them wrap around me, fingers grazing my skin as they followed my spine towards my ass. I captured Shiloh's lips in mine, both of us sighing into the other. This felt so perfect, and I was almost ready to cry happy tears of my own. "You're not running," I whispered to her as I let my mouth trail along her jaw. "I told you, you're all mine."

"Always. That's all I want, Key."

"You don't want anything else?" I asked as I ran my hand down, squeezing her hip as I did. "I mean, I could do oh so much more."

Shiloh groaned, lifting her hips into me. "Then do it! I need more! You're such a damned tease!"

"Do you remember how much you used to flirt with me when I wasn't able to touch you?" I reminded her. "Now that I can touch you, I think a little payback is in order."

"I don't mind," she replied quickly. "I deserve it! Just don't stop!"

"I'm going to have you screaming my name before I'm done," I assured her as I started kissing my way down her body. I nuzzled each breast before making a trail of saliva with my tongue down her toned belly and tugging at her navel piercing with my lips. Damn, she was so fucking hot, and she was all mine! I looked up at her, noticing her head perched on a pillow so she could watch my movements. She ran her fingers through my hair as I kept kissing downwards, pausing only to kiss the hollow of her hip, and making her squirm.

"That tickles! Fuck!" she giggled. "Stop that!" Her hips were twitching as she laughed, and I decided to change the sounds coming out of her mouth. Planting my mouth on her pussy did exactly that. "Holy fuck!" she cried out as I started to take slow licks through her folds, relishing the flavor of the juices that were quickly beginning to coat my lips and tongue. It had been over ten years since I'd been able to enjoy the flavor of a woman, and I never wanted to stop tasting Shiloh.

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