Chapter 5: moving on

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my mom decides she'd continue my wedding plans because I seemed "distracted." Yeah I'm distracted because through all of this pain there's still some love that remains. but I think my feelings grew for Andrew.

Caleb told me how sorry he was and left I didn't really care. I needed to leave for awhile. Somewhere new. I decided to pack up and get on a plane for a week or two and just leave.

I called Hanna immediately in the morning explaining mine and Ezras conversation. She was stunned but told me to stop trying. I didn't know why she gave up on them. she told me she tried talking to her about them but there's no coming back she's convinced she loves Andrew now. just stop is all she could say as she hung up.

planning a wedding is harder than you think. I had this constant feeling I was forgetting something I just didn't know what. it's harder when you still feel the wedding isn't what your daughter wants. She hasn't convinced me fully that she really loves him. I just wish I had a sign that's it'd all be okay.

Me and Hanna went shopping for our annual rosewood ball dresses which was in 3 days. we went to the boutique in the middle of town. Hanna got a text "he's leaving town." From Caleb I asked who was leaving she said an old friend I don't even know. I laughed and tried on my dress. I asked Hanna to come in and zip it up as I tried my ring got stuck on the dress. I yelled for Hanna she told me just to pull the ring off except the ring wasn't coming off it was like stuck. I was so confused because I was able to remove it earlier finally we got it all untangled. "are you sure this is the right ring?" She said as she zipped it up. "What do you mean?" "Nothing Nevermind... Hey have you seen Ezra?" I turned to face her. "No?" I said cautiously. "Was that who the text was about? Is he leaving?" "Um uh..." She couldn't get anything out "Hanna is he leaving town!?" "Yes..." She sighed "I need to go. I'll be meet you at the grill for dinner at 6." "Wait where are you going?" "I have to speak to him." I hurried and changed back into my clothes and ran out.

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