Chapter 44: b26

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we ran across the hall to reception together. I walked with Ezra towards the photographer to get whatever pictures she wanted to get so I could get my other dress on. once that was done I went and changed into my other dress. I came back in and I saw everyone dancing and sitting and eating and having a good time. the place was pretty crowded but when I looked around I saw him. there he was on the other side of the room. Ezra with his boyish charm. drinking some sort of drink from the bar at our table in front of everyone next to his groomsmen. then he looked over and smiled at me. I realized in that moment I'll never stop looking for him in a crowded room. as I walked towards him I felt the biggest smile stretch across my face but when I reached Ezra I heard my name and for everyone to clear the floor. it was father and daughter dance time. I wrapped one arm around my dads back and he look the other in his hand and moved me around the floor. "Your smile today was the best thing I've ever seen. it melts my heart knowing ezra brings you that." "I love you so much and I'll always be your baby girl. Thank you for coming today." "I love you too darling." when our song was over I hugged him tightly and then everyone else continued to dance on the floor. everyone started crowding back on. then aunt Jenny's kids ran to me and began dancing with me then I saw the photographer taking pictures of me with the kids. then I saw Ezra with that smile. she captured the picture of him smiling at me as I was dancing. It was beautiful. she showed me the picture she got as we walked out of the church. it was me looking at everyone smiling and Ezra just staring at me smiling. the night went by pretty fast. all I could think about was leaving with Ezra for a week. finally the dj came back on the speaker. "It's time for the couples first dance. mr & mrs. Fitz please step out on the floor." all the kids scattered away from me and the path became clear as I stood in the middle of the floor and saw Ezra walk closer to me. "may I have this dance?" he took my hand in his and cupped it close to his heart as I put the other around his waist. b26 came on. I whispered in his ear. "God I love this song." he laughed "b26?" He asked. he spun me around and around throughout the song and sung to me quietly in my ear. it was so cute. but once the song was over it was time for me to sit in a chair and for Ezra to remove my underwear and throw it to all the men. I felt him move his hand slowly up my leg I smiled at him. after he threw them I smiled and sat up and kissed him. finally it was time for me to throw my bouquet. Hanna caught it as Ezra and I exited and headed to the airport. there was a car waiting for us out front. we got the airport and Ezra had a private plane waiting for us. when we boarded I had no clue where we were going it was a secret perhaps? I took a seat and tried to rest but then I something warm and wet on my neck. it was Ezra and his tongue. I let out quiet moans and i pulled his face up to meet mine and crashed his lips onto mine. it was long and sweet. it got heated quickly. I had to pull away. out of breath something Ezra could to do just by the way he looks at me. but the way he kisses me is even better. "let's save this for later." I whispered to his ear. I pulled the arm rest up and leaned over and rested my head on Ezras chest. he wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head. "you know there's a reason right?" I asked. "a reason about what?" he questioned. "There's a reason people like you and I find each other. Maybe it god. maybe it's fate. But I know it's not an accident that I found you." "I love you." he whispered as he kissed my head once more before I fell asleep in his arms something I plan on doing for the rest of my life. Once the plane landed I wasn't sure where we were. Once we got off there was another car waiting for us. the man took our bags and put them in the back of the car. i checked my phone it was about 11 am. i snuggled up next to ezra in the back of the car. after about 5 minutes of driving "where are we?" "just wait." i nodded. once we got to our hotel ezra had our bags sent to our room. we got in the elevator and i felt tired. we got all the way to the top floor. he carried me bridal style to our room. i laughed the whole way. he unlocked the door and set me down gently inside. the room was huge. "still want to know where we are?" he asked and smiled. he took my hand in his and led me to this huge balcony. he pointed at the Effiel tower. "its beautiful." i said. he smiled and looked at me "yeah it is." i couldn't help but blush knowing he was talking about me. i giggled and looked down. he pulled me close to him and wrapped me in his arms. "you know i always thought Paris was the most beautiful sight in the world." he let me go and looked me in the eyes. "its not. you are." i stared into his eyes for a moment and finally leaned in and kissed him. softly and slow. he wrapped his arms around my body and slowly moved me back into the hotel. it became heated as i felt my shirt fly off. he picked me up still kissing me and laid me on the bed and slowly crawled on top of me. 

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