Chapter 11: always

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I jumped out of the car and ran inside finding the place empty but Andrew still sitting around waiting. I ran to him and hugged him. "Where have you been?" "I'll explain everything later." then Ezra walked in and Andrew lets me go "oh." As if he was the reason why I needed to talk. "Aria I really must be going. I just needed to tell you goodbye before I left." "Wait you're leaving!?" "Yeah... I'll see you soon." he turned and walked away from me. "Wait can I walk you out?" I looked at Andrew and he nodded and I kissed him and walked Ezra back down to the door. "Where are you going? You promised you'd never leave." "you promised we'd never go back only forward together but things change Aria. You've moved on." "I'm sorry. but I don't think I can do this with him anymore." "yes you can. You're so beautiful and strong, You aren't throwing it all away. we had a crazy love. You guys have a real love." I leaned in and kissed him for a good 40 seconds until he pulled away and when I saw the expression after he acted almost as if it hurt. "I'm sorry I just had to do it one last time. I couldn't let you go yet." He kissed me on the forehead "You know it's taking everything I have to not just end it with Andrew right now." i said "I know Aria and that's why I have to let you go. I need to let you go and you need to let me go. It's time for me to go home. It's late and dark. How lucky am I, to have something that makes goodbye so hard?" "So don't say goodbye. You're leaving because it is easier to walk away than to fight for what you really want." "What I really want is for you to be happy Aria." He said. A tear fell from my face "I'm happiest with you Ezra. I can't lose you, you don't understand the reason I went to that roof and almost jumped off that bridge... Nevermind just please don't go."

I waited for her to explain why she did what she did but I realized she wasn't ever going to say it and that made me realize she could lose me. "I will always love you." she said as tears fell from her face. My eyes filled with tears as i smiled. " and I'll always love you. Just know this has nothing to do with you. I just have to figure myself out again. It's personal. " I said as I walked out and got in the car and left.
I walked away from her. I loved her more than anything she was right. But I must go and move on and find myself and come back and start over with myself. I made my standings quite clear to her. I realized he could give her so much more and I should stop trying. He really does make her happy and that's why I'm letting her go. Toby and Caleb drove me to the airport and dropped me off. "Call us when you're back we will be here to get you." Toby said I walked in got my ticket went through security and boarded my plane and never turned back.

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