49: history repeats itself

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day 15 of Aria not remembering me. I've reminded her everyday. I thought this was only temporary but I'm not so sure anymore. I sleep on the couch every night and sometimes I find myself waking up in the middle of the night worried. worried that she was shot again. I watch her jump sometimes in her sleep but something. Weird happened tonight. she was screaming... screaming my name in her sleep. "Aria Aria.." I shook her to wake her up. she jumped seeing me but she wrapped her arms around me. "Ezra will you please hold me? I had a dream. please.." "sure.." I responded I tried to keep my distance in the bed but she pulled me close to her back and made me put my arms around her. the next day I woke up to seeing Aria cooking breakfast. "ahh your up. come sit I wanted to thank you for last night. look I know this is crazy but should I take my wedding ring off I think me and Andrew are over." "sure Aria." I laughed. she gave me my food and sat across from me. "can I ask you a question?" "of course." I respond. "look well obviously I have some personal issues and I feel safe laying next to you. is there anyway you could sleep with me from now on?" I smiled. "yes Aria." "ok thank you." she said winking.

as I sit across from this Ezra I'm realizing I'm falling for him. I took off my wedding ring and walked to the bathroom I saw a picture of me and Ezra kissing. I was confused. I wanted to ask but I just went to take a shower and sat there. but once I got out I forgot what I wanted to ask Ezra. I got the floor soaking wet. I slipped and fell. I hit my head on the side of the tub. Ezra rushed in and helped me up. I was naked. he wrapped me in a towel. "Aria are you okay?" "yeah yeah I'm fine just my head hurts." I held my head he got me an ice pack and held it there for me. I say in the towel. I shivered. I wrapped my arms around his body since he had his shirt off. his body was warm "sorry I'm just cold." "you're fine." He said. "wanna go to the store or get out of the apartment?" "yeah." I said got dressed and we went driving. but once it became late we got back I jumped into the bed and fell asleep. But before I fell asleep I reminded Ezra to come sleep with me. the next day I woke up and looked over and saw Ezra. I started freaking out. I lifted my shirt and there was the stitches. I really was shot I thought it was a dream. I looked over at Ezra again I shook him. I decided not to say anything. perhaps he already knew. I got up and just sat in the kitchen at the table. Ezra woke up and walked over and sat across from me after he made some coffee. I looked at my finger. my ring was gone. "Ezra?" "yes Aria?" he asked as he sat down. "did anything happen to me? like my head hurts like I have a huge bump on my head." "You fell from the tub yesterday." it all made since perhaps I lost my memory until I hit my head yesterday. "Ezra can I ask you a question? who do you love?" "a girl named Aria Montgomery. she won't remember I'm saying this in 5 minutes. but she's the love of my life and I promised I wouldn't walk away from her no matter how hard it gets." a tear fell from my eye. "Ezra I was shot. I fell from a car and hit my head. I forgot about you. you reminded me everyday didn't you? you never lost hope. I'm so sorry." tears fell from face. I got up and sat on his lap and kissed him. "Aria you remember?" I smiled and shook my head. "I remember. he asked who do I love and I told him you and he said you were dead then he made me get in this car to save you then he told me he was going to kill me to get back at you."  "I don't want to argue right now about why you did that Aria. I'm just glad you remember." "I do. I could never forget the love of my life." I said.

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