Chapter 45: paris

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I woke up to feeling ezras warm body against mine. his arms wrapped around my body holding my hand as our feet and legs were intertwined together. I rolled over to face him. I pecked his lips. he slowly woke up I smiled. "what a great way to wake up. I'm glad I can wake up to something so beautiful as you for the rest of my life." I smiled at him and held his hands. "Me too." I said as I kissed him once more. "so what are we doing today?" "well I was kinda hoping we'd just stay in bed." he laughed. "no I'm just kidding. I have some things planned. you should get ready. put on that little dress that you look oh so good in that drives me crazy." "okay." I laughed. I ran over to the bathroom. I hopped in the shower. "hey I need a shower too." "ahh maybe next time. I'm already done." he sighed. "hand me my towel?" I asked. he dangled it in front of the shower trying to reel me out. "Ezra come on." he put the towel on my counter and sat on the toliet. I figured you'd come out eventually. he walked slowly towards me as I tried wrapping the towel around my body. he pulled my face close and kissed me. our lips moved in sync but I pulled away as I felt things heat up and bit his lip slowly. I looked at his little smile as I pulled away. he pulled my towel off as I left the room. I just laughed. I went and got into my suitcase and got dressed. Ezra came out all ready to go. I tried to put on my makeup but Ezra stopped me. "you're more beautiful without it." he said hovering over me as we both stared into the vanity mirror. I smiled and put in down and spin around in the chair to be facing Ezra. "carry me" I said throwing my arms up. "as you wish." he carried me bridal style to the elevator and down to a cab. We out to lunch and walked around until the evening. We went to the fence of locks. we bought one. wrote our names on the lock. before I threw the key into the lake I looked at him. I stared he smiled. "What?" he laughed. "Nothing just promise me this is forever." he stared into my eyes and without any hesitation. "I promise." slipped from his mouth. "This is forever aria." I smiled and threw the key. I wrapped my arms around Ezra and hugged him tight as his arms rested over my shoulders down my back. I rested my head near his chest as we looked out into the sunset. I looked up at him. "I loved you for so long and it's so nice after all this time." "aria it's everything after all this time." I'm so lucky I thought in my head.

• short but you needed something. (:

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