Chapter 18: the truth unfolds

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I headed back to ezras and found a ring in his pocket. I was shocked because I didn't think he'd ever propose to me again. when he walked in i threw it back in his pocket. I knew he looked upset and I knew he would try and hold this off as long as possible. he came in looking drunk. I picked up the ring and put it on my finger. "It's beautiful"I showed him. "I never planned on you being in love with me all over again. Of course I'll marry you." "Jackie. Please not now just put it back." "Why!?" "Because if I don't love you it wouldn't mean anything would it?!" "You're right. We're taking it slow." I kept the ring on. I went and kissed him. as I grabbed my bags "you okay?" "Yeah I'll be fine. I'll see you when you're back. In two days." "Of course." I said

I knew I shouldn't have left the ring out but I didn't care. I saw arias necklace on the table. I knew I was given my sign and I blew it completely. I heard a knock on the door. I rushed to it hoping it'd be Aria but no it was a package. I had to sign for. I opened it. It was arias wedding invite "save the date!" Little less than a month away until she leaves rosewood forever. And I lose Aria forever...

I slept half the day away the next day from being so tired. I decided I didn't feel well so I wasn't going to leave today. I felt more sick than normal. I feel like I could sleep all day. which is what I did I fell back asleep till the next day then Hanna texted me to hangout. I replied about at 1 she asked if I wanted to meet for dinner. I told her I couldn't because I needed to tell Andrew tonight about the baby. I drove to his house and he decided to cook me dinner. He asked what my big news was and I didn't know how to tell him. "Well you know how I keep getting sick?" "Yeah....?" he said "well I'm pregnant." "wait what really!? Aria I...- I I'm so happy!" "You are!?" I shouted with excitement. "Of course. I didn't plan this to happen so early but I knew it'd happen. I don't know what to say but this just shows how much we love eachother." He says as he lifts me up and spins me around. "Yep it just shows how much we love eachother." I sigh into his shoulder but he doesn't realize. after dinner I told him. I'm getting tired and I should get home. he kissed me goodbye and said he'd see me tomorrow. I didn't really know what to do anymore. Sometimes I wish jake would've just thrown me off the top of building. I wish Ezra wouldn't have came because then I wouldn't be so confused with me feelings..


When I woke up and ran to the bathroom thinking I'd be sick but I wasn't. I went to the restroom to find blood in the toilet. I screamed. I called Spencer to take me to the hospital. she arrived in moments. she helped me to the car. she drove as fast as possible. "what happened?" "I don't know maybe this is karma. I literally just told Andrew last night. What if I'm not pregnant anymore?" "Isn't that what you've wanted?" "I don't know anymore. Just please get there." I got to the hospital and was taken back . I was laid on a bed and was stripped of my shirt. They looked for a heart beat with a this jelly stuff. I couldn't hear anything. the doctors all looked at each other and asked Spencer to come in and give me support for what they are about to say. I had nothing to do but fear the worst. "I am sorry. But you're not pregnant anymore. We will give you a minute." one doctor said as they left me with Spencer. "I'm so sorry Aria." "No no don't be." "are you okay?" "yes." "Now you can be with Ezra." I looked at her scoldfully "no I can never be with him either. He doesn't love me. Please just help me get dressed and out of here so I can go tell Andrew." "Okay but Aria I think you should tell Ezra too." "Maybe you're right but I'm not going too." "let's go to lunch with the girls so I can tell you all first." I called the girls to ask them to meet us at the grill. we talked for awhile until I brought out the news. Emily's eyes began to water. "Aria oh my gosh. I'm so sorry." "I'll be fine honestly." I began to tear up seeing them all cry. except Hanna. like she knew I was happy. but just didn't say anything. Spencer drove me home and I cleaned my room. Andrew was on his was over and I just wasn't prepared to tell him. I didn't want to break his heart. I just don't know how much longer I can do this since I'm no longer carrying his baby. I want to be with Ezra. Forever and ever till the end of time. He needs to know I love him.

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