Chapter 43: never be alone

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it was my father... "what are you doing here?" "you look beautiful. you think i was going to let my baby walk down the aisle alone? i dont think so." he laughed. "you are really going to walk me down the aisle? i thought you were here to tell me this was a mistake." "no aria that would be wrong of me to tell you falling in love with him was a mistake perhaps it was the perfect mistake. aria look i know i know i haven't been best friends with ezra but he loves you and i've realized that who is going to love and protect you more in this life than him? i see it when he looks at you and i never seen you more happy then when you're with him. you get this smile and your eyes they just glisten and light up when you hear his name and its the same for him and i couldn't ask for anyone better than him to love you for the rest of your life. ezra is a good man. a lucky one. and i don't have to tell him because he already knows. he would never take advantage of you and will give you everything in his power and will do anything to make and keep you happy and that's the kinda person you deserve. i always thought he wasn't worthy of you but he is. he loves you more than anything in this world and he looks at you the way every girl deserves to be looked at. don't let him go ever. you two are meant to be. im happy for you. he's the love of your life aria you deserve happiness and nothing but it and i shouldn't get in the way of you and your happiness and if your happiness is ezra then so be it. never apologize for how you feel. no one can control how they feel. the sun doesn't apologize for being bright and the rain doesn't say sorry for falling. feelings just are." he smiled as he wiped the tear from my eyes and moved the hair from my face. "I just need to know that it's possible that two people can stay happy together forever." "Yes. sometimes things change and happiness isn't always the same but I see it in your eyes. I know this will last forever. come on it's time. everyone's waiting for you." we walked towards the church doors before they were opened for me my dad turned to me. "you don't have to do this. you can be my babygirl forever and never have to leave the house." i laughed. " im ready daddy." he smiled and nodded as the doors opened. I saw everyone turn and look at me and gasp. i heard little whispers about how beautiful i was. then i locked eyes with him. the love of my life staring at me with our look. that smile with that little dimple that always melts my heart then i saw the tear escape his eye as i smiled back as i got closer to the alter. my dad let go of my arm ezra stepped down to take me in his hands. i kissed my dad on the cheek. "thank you i love you."  he took a seat and ezra took both of my hands in his as he helped me up the stairs. i couldn't take my eyes off of him. i was hypnotized. i let a tear fall. ezra let go of one of my hands and wiped it away like he always does. i smiled. i really am lucky. then i heard it. his vows. i was hooked off of every word he said. i started to tear up hearing his beautiful words. "aria. i promised one day id be around forever. when im with you i feel better. nothing ever goes as planned. i was always told everything breaks and everyone says goodbye in their own special way. but that never came with you. you always just said i'd see you soon. when i first met you i fell in love i knew i did from that first moment we met. it was.. not love at first sight exactly, but familiarity. like: oh hello its you. its going to be you anyways. I never exactly believed in love at first sight but I do believe in seeing someone across the room and instantly knowing that they're going to matter to you. it was when I met you when I understood love songs and why couples danced with each other. I understood kissing and why it was the most beautiful thing. I fell in love with you. With the way you smile, with how you smell. I can't think of one thing about you that I'm not in love with. To me you're perfect. your flaws aren't flaws because I adore them all. I'm in love with you, with every single piece of you. It was when I met you when I understood what life was all about and why people stayed up late thinking about that someone. when you knew the song thats when i knew i needed to get to know you. when you went to that building even with us not together thats when i knew i needed you. when theres something wrong you don't run away you don't freeze. you move forward you get everyone else to move forward because you've seen worse you've survived worse and you know we'll survive too. there are planets and stars in your eyes and there are fires and oceans in your veins your head is a forest your heart is a meadow and you are a work of art. you may think you're a Lilly in a garden full of roses but i think roses are cliche and I'd take a Lilly over a rose anyway. we've been through so much and I could never leave you. you're the love of my life and I couldn't imagine waking up looking into someone else's eyes or hearing another voice calling my name. i promise to never run. to love you even when i hate you. to always be there. i promise i'll always be right there even if we fight. I promise to hold your hand every night and never ever let us lose our spark. You were always hoping that we'd make it. You always wanna keep my gaze and you're the only one I see and that's the one thing that won't change. i will never stop watching as you leave. ill never stop losing my breath every time you're staring back at me. I will never stop opening your door. you're my life and I don't deserve you. you're my life my love and my only. I promise to love and care for you, and I will try in every way to be worthy of your love. I will always be honest with you, kind, patient and forgiving. I promise to try and be on time. But most of all I promise to be a true and loyal friend to you. On this day I give you my heart. My promise that I will walk with you hand in hand wherever our journey leads us. Living, learning, and loving together. I can't leave you because this is forever." once he said this is forever the tears began falling one by one. he smiled as he tried to wipe each of them away. it was finally my turn. "Ezra my love. my b26. for the first time in my life, I know home isn't always four walls and a roof. sometimes it's two arms holding you when you're at your worst. I know home can be a body with scars and endless thoughts. I know home can be a Skelton with a rib cage and a heart behind it. I know a home can have windows to the soul and a nose in between. I know home can have blue eyes like the ocean that always pull you in and I know home can be a contagious laugh with a smile that has a little dimple that goes along with it. and I finally know what it's like to be homesick when I'm away from you. I didn't just fall in love with you. I walked into love with wide eyes, choosing to take every step along the way. I do believe in fate and destiny. But I also believe we are only fated to do the things we would choose anyway and I'd choose you, in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred different worlds, in any version of reality, I'd  find you and I'd choose you. I fell in love with you because you loved me when I couldn't love myself. I laugh harder with you. I feel more myself with you. I trust you with me. The real me that is. When something goes wrong or right or I hear a funny joke or I see something bizarre you're the first I want to talk to about it. I'm awfully difficult but I do know when I love someone and I've never loved someone as much as I have you. I've loved you since I can remember. I love you more than you'll ever know In times like this I let it show. you kept me sane in times of madness. You kept me strong in times of sadness. I would love to know why the mere thought of you keeps me absolutely restless at the oddest hours of the day. I don't think I'll ever know. You make me feel unlike anything I've ever experienced before. You make me feel like I'm dying and flying and living and that my heart just stopped beating but yet it's pumping at 90 mph all in one moment when I see you. You make me feel invincible but vulnerable.weak but like nothing could ever bring me down. You make me feel like I'm free and trapped by your every move. You leave me breathless and yet you are the only thing that keeps me breathing. You control my every thought, movement, heart beat. You've got me. All of me. you called me an angel once and always treated me like one since. the meaning of life is to just be alive and you make me feel more alive than I've ever felt. I promise to never run or hide. I'll love you forever and always hold you because if I was asked what my finest hour was mine would be you. I'll always come running back to. I can't leave you again. you're my whole world and I love you more than all the stars in the sky and more than any words can ever express. You know me better than anyone else and still you mange to love me. You are my best friend and one true love. There is still a part of me today that cannot believe that I'm the one who gets to marry you. You'll never be alone. you're my b26."

as I heard her speak from her heart I fell more in love. a tear escaped my eye once more. it's hard for me to hide these feelings. it feels hard to breath because I never expected her to love me as much as I do her. I'm caught up in this moment. caught up in her smile. I've never opened to anyone. so hard to hold back when I'm holding her in my arms. I placed the ring on her finger and couldn't take my eyes off of her. then I heard the words. "you may now kiss the bride." I smiled as I looked at her. I don't want to mess this thing up. she's the one I've been waiting for my whole life so I'm alright. I leaned in slowly. cupped her cheeks and stared into her eyes and place one hand around her waist and the other wrapped around her neck and dipped her and kissed her. it was magical. it felt as if the whole world froze in time and the room was spinning and it was only us. when I pulled up I smiled down as I saw her eyes slowly open and I saw the smile stretch across her face and she had her hands wrapped around my cheeks. when she finally caught her breath and looked me in the eyes she took her thumb and gently wiped my cheek. staring at her made me realize everything was finally going to be alright. I pulled her back up to her feet. back to reality and I saw everyone clap as I took arias arm in mine and intertwined it and walked down the stairs and down the aisle to head to the reception. I saw her smile waving at everyone as we walked out together but when I looked over I knew she was smiling because of the future she will have in 10 years but I'm just smiling because I know that in that 10 year future I'll be it. It's crazy when she looks at me she still gets my heart racing the same way it did when I first met her.


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