48: forgetting you

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I let go of the hug. "we're okay." "we're okay." he repeated. I smiled gently. I walked towards the fridge and grabbed a bottle of wine and poured it. I can't believe I leave Friday. "me neither." Ezra sighed on the couch. "Ezra I know this is going to be hard. but I don't want you going through this pain. maybe I could just finish at Hollis?" "no Aria I don't want you growing to resent me." "no Ezra. I know it's better in California but what's most important in my life is you." "Aria you're not packing up and moving back here just for me." "your life is there now." I stared at him. I went and sat next to him. "I don't want to fight anymore today. We can talk about it later. right now let's just relax and enjoy each others company." I turned his face and kissed. he just was t that into it so I pulled away and began to get up but he grabbed my hand and pulled me into his lap. he kissed me hard as I laid in his lap. he picked me up and carried me to the bed. he laid me down and began removing my clothes. when I woke up the next day I went to the kitchen there was nothing in the fridge. I found me and Ezra arguing again. over nothing. "whatever Ezra I just need a shower." "I need one too." he joked. he followed me into the shower as we both stripped and got in together. as soon as we got in he pushed me against the wall and kissed me hard. I thought it was already hot in the shower but it got a whole lot steamier. once we got out Ezra took me out to lunch. then he took me shopping but once we were home I fell asleep. but the next day it just kept repeating. we kept fighting over and over. when it came Friday he took me to the airport and told me goodbye and pecked my lips and walked away. I felt like our marriage was ending because I was going to California. once my plane landed I went to campus and transferred. I packed everything up from my dorm wished Rebecca the best of luck and left. I got off my plane but once I walked out of the airport "who's your love Aria?" I didn't know the voice. "Ezra." "he's dead Aria. You left him and I killed him why you were gone. get in the car." I slowly got in the car. The doors locked. "I'm just kidding. he's not dead but he will be if you don't leave. or maybe I'll finally take what hurts him the most you." something hit me. it was a bullet. I fell to the ground. i was thrown from the car. I hit my head on the ground. and left gasping for Air. my eyes are closing. where am I going? there's a warm white light. someone's telling me to come in and someone's telling me not too. I heard people around me screaming "call 911... she's been shot... Aria can you hear me?" I can hear them I just can't talk. who are these people? how do they know my name? I was put in an ambulance. doctors were cutting me open. don't they see in awake? I can't feel it but my eyes are opening. no no they are closing. I hear the beeps. I hear a long beep then I feel my eyes close and I can't open them anymore. what's happening? I woke up on a bed. I saw people surrounding me. familiar faces. "who are you guys?" I asked. I saw tears fall from faces. I looked around and put my hands in front of my face. I saw a ring on my finger. "oh my god... mom where's Andrew is he okay?" she looked over at everyone. I couldn't recognize anyone but her. I saw her pat a mans back. he had a ring on. I heard her whisper "I'm sorry Ezra." "who's Ezra?" he walked near me and held my hand. "no one. no one. I'll find Andrew okay?" "thank you." i smiled at the kind man. I wiped his tears from his eyes. but once my mom and dad left the room Ezra came back. "I'm sorry but who are you?" he sat next to me. he held my hand. "I'm Ezra. nice to meet you. I'm your roommate back in rosewood you get to come home later. I'll help you get back." "oh okay thank you." "I'm sorry if I don't remember you. please don't take it personal. But hey where's my husband?"  "ehh he's at home. you'll see him later." Ezra helped me into this strange looking apartment. Andrew arrived at the door. Ezra went in the hall and talked to him. they came back in. Andrew sat next to me I held his hand. Ezra kept watching us. Andrew finally left. He wouldn't let me kiss him goodbye. "ezra is something wrong with me?" "no just Aria you think you're in love with him. but your in love with me. you were shot. I promised I'd remind you everyday who I was if you ever forgot. Aria I love you and that ring around your finger is from me not Andrew." I stared at him. "I need some rest. may I sleep here?" "yes of course Aria. You live here." he said. I keep showing her pictures and memories but nothing seems to work anymore.

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