Chapter 19: stop it

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Me and Andrew finally found the perfect place. once the realtor and everyone left us in the house Andrew started kissing my neck I just told him let's save this till our honeymoon. I still felt guilty from the first time I had sex with him because It was out of anger and sadness over ezra. but I care for Andrew now unlike back then. But these thoughts of Ezra are everywhere. He's in my dreams. My nightmares saving me. I can't believe in 3 days I'll be getting married...

* fast forwards***

I stayed up all night worrying about if I'll make it in time to stop the wedding. I just want her to know I love her. I can't let her leave without her knowing the truth and I need to know the truth too. I can't believe she's getting married tomorrow. I talked to Hanna. there's no way I can see her tonight I have to do it before the wedding. I'm nervous but I love her too much. Hanna discussed the plan with me and told me how it was going to work.

*the next day. The day of the wedding.**

I was beyond stressed waking up on my wedding day. The moment I got up I was rushed to getting my hair and makeup done in my hotel room with all the bridesmaids. Then I had about 10 people pulling a big dress over my head. From there I was escorted to a room before a wedding by Hanna saying that an old friend wanted to see me and wish me luck so I snuck away for a moment and agreed to go with her.

I noticed how nervous Aria was I realized this wasn't right anymore. No ones this nervous on their big day. whatever I felt I missed in the books for today's event I get like it arrived and I didn't even know it I just didn't know what. there's no stopping Aria in this I just wish I knew how to stop the wedding without her hating me even though I know it's right. it was about 15 minutes until the wedding and the bride was missing

"In here hurry. Look I'm sorry. Please forgive me Aria." I said "what Hanna you didn't do anything..." She said as I opened the door and led her in "not yet anyways good luck I'll be back in 5 minutes to get you..." "What do you mean?" She asked as I pushed her in and shut the door.

I heard the words "looking at you in that wedding dress is quite intimidating. But you look stunning." it was the voice of Ezra. "Ezra what what are you doing here...?" "Well I was invited" he joked "I know just please I have to go it's almost my que." "Aria wait. don't go through with it." "It's too late." "I need you to hear me out first. That night I went there to meet you to tell you I could love another mans baby as much as I love you. I went to tell you I should've fought for you. I should've fought for us." "Ezra I've waited too long. I need to move on." "Don't do it." He begged "I have too!" I demanded "Please don't. That should be us up there and we both know it. We always dreamt of it." He said as my eyes filled with tears. "I hope one day you find an amazing girl, the kind of girl who means everything to you and makes you want to spend every moment in time with her. The kind of girl who keeps you up at night just thinking about her beautiful smile and that contagious loud laugh she has that can light up a room. That little dimple in her smile that might as well be a hook in your heart. And when you finally fall asleep she's all you dream about. I hope she's the first person to cross your mind when you wake up. I hope she changes you in a way I could never understand. But I'll know it's for the better. I hope she's the kind of girl you'd die for. The kind of girl who can make you cry. I hope you make memories with her that you will never forget. I hope she becomes your world. I hope when you look in her eyes it's like you fall in love all over again. I hope you realize that what you guys have is nothing less than perfection. I just hope you don't get your heart shattered again and let her slip between the broken pieces. you deserve the world and so much more Ezra. Find someone who loves you more than anything in this world." "But Aria I already have. she's staring right at me." I smiled as a tear fell from my eye I wiped it away. Ezra kissed me and it's like I fell in love all over again. once I pulled away I looked in his beautiful eyes. "I'm sorry I just couldn't let you go yet." He said "wait Aria why are you doing this you know that should be us up there. Please don't do this to me. Leave with me right now. We can get away from here." "I have too. I'm so sorry. It's for the best. weather you believe me or not I'm doing this for you." I said as I walked out and ran to my hotel room practically in tears I ran into my mom. "What happened baby?" "Nothing mom lets get this show on the road in ready." "Are you sure?" She asked as I nodded and she walked me to the doors to meet my dad. The music started as all the girls walked in one by one with their date. it was my que. I walked down the aisle to see every there. I smiled but my heart beated faster. I didn't hear half the ceremony until the pastor asked "does anyone object this wedding?" then I made eye contact with Ezra who was standing in the back of the church walking around in circles. then finally walks in. "I do!" He yells everyone turns to face him. the man in the back who objects to this wedding is Ezra.

• uh oh

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