Chapter 41: goodbye

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I can't believe I'm getting married in three days. today I heard a knock on Hannas door. No one was home but me so I opened it. it was Avery. he pulled me close and kissed me. I pulled away. "what are you doing here!? I'm getting married." "So I've heard." he said as he walked away and back to his car. I was confused. I saw someone in the yard jump in his car as well. That was the weirdest thing and I decided I needed to tell Ezra about all of it. I drove to his apartment and saw averys car. I ran up the stairs and walked in to seeing Ezra on the couch with his hands in his hair and Avery sitting on the chair smiling. he got up. and walked past me. "I'll see you later babe." He said as he kissed me cheek. "what?" I yelled as he shut the door behind him. "Ezra you're not going to believe what happened. he shows up and kissed me." "Aria you expect me to believe that? you sure it wasn't some kind of revenge? if you didn't want me to have the party you should have just said so." He yelled. "Ezra I I don't know what I-...." he cut me off. "Just leave please I can't do this with you anymore quit pretending you guys aren't together why'd you do it? you know what the wedding it's off." he shouted. tears began to pour down my face. "Ezra please I didn't... He set me up. I swear I love you." "leave now!" He insisted. I walked out and as I turned back around he slammed the door in my face .
later that night as I cried in my car driving around I texted him. "Ezra please listen to me I didn't kiss him. I love you. Only you. if the wedding is really off please don't tell anyone I'd like to tell everyone in person in the church. You don't have to come I can do it alone. I'll even put the dress on and tell everyone I called it off. you can take our honeymoon flight to wherever your plan for us was to go and leave. I'm sorry you believe him and not me. - yours truly aria.." he just responds "ok."

You know it's funny because I thought we'd actually make it this time. I thought I'd end up hearing here comes the bride but now all I'm hearing is all the goodbyes. but here comes all the pain as I sit in my dark apartment. a week ago she was in my arms. I can hear her saying she loved me like it was yesterday. I heard footsteps in the hall. there was a knock. I opened it it was aria. she usually just walks right in. "sorry I just uh needed my stuff." she said as she wiped her tears away then I realized that's what I used to do. she packed all her bags. I can see it written on her face as she zips of up her bags that she's never felt this way. I always planned on one day seeing her with her dad by her side and I'd hear the here comes the bride song. I helped her carry her bags out to her car. she shut her trunk and opened her car door and turned to me. "goodbye Ezra." she whispered I nodded. then I saw her drive away and it's not like her to drive that slow. the tear finally fell from my face. I knew it was going to be a sleepless night. It's crazy because once upon a time I was falling in love now I'm falling apart. because our wedding was tomorrow at 5. I sat in my apartment and looked and saw our picture I thought about how much she hated the picture because she had a hangover. but I saw her at her worst hangover and still I thought it was her best night yet. I watched her all time high when she got her own display of her photos. she had the biggest smile. but I always thought my best day was the one with her because I always had the biggest smile. Because we Always laughed until we cried but honestly if I had to pick my best day or finest hour it'd be one with her. she doesn't have to keep me falling like this. I just wish she did. it's like she can't shoot me down because she's already knocked me dead.shes got my heart falling apart because I'm talking out of my head. but when I see my phone screen she looks like a high that I want to be on. I dropped my phone and waited for it to shatter because I didn't want to hold anything in these two hands until I was holding her again. but then I got a phone call.

Sorry for this chapter. and the next few? :(

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