Chapter 20: i do

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Previously: left off where Ezra walks in and objects to the wedding

I saw Ezra and i knew in that moment that possibly he was what was missing. I see the way Aria looks at Ezra. She's in love with him. the way he looks at her is how any girl deserves to be looked at. he fought for her because he loved her and she loves him and I know she can't deny it.


"why?" the pastor asked as ezra walked closer to me. "Aria why don't you tell them? Tell them who owns your heart. Tell them who you truly love. Tell them. Tell me. And if he has it I'll leave you alone. Please tell me because I'm pathetically in love with you..." "Ezra please don't say it unless you mean it." I said as my eyes filled with tears because I've waited so long to hear him say it. That's all I wanted these past few weeks I thought I broke him to the point he couldn't love me but I couldn't blame him if he didn't. But he does love me. I said if he did I'd stop this wedding. "but Aria I do mean it. I mean it with all my heart." He said "Ezra I- I ..." I looked around while holding hands with Andrew. My hands were shaking. I looked Andrew in the eyes and saw the water and hurt in his eyes because he fell in love with me. He really did. I saw Andrew look down. Andrews parents called for security. as I saw them walk towards Ezra I saw them carry him back to the back practically dragging him. I looked over to see the girls I saw Hanna. It was like she was waiting for me to tell stop. But Ezra yelled. "Aria please. I love you." I looked back at Andrew he looked up once again I smiled and looked back out to Ezra. "Andrew owns my heart now." I just didn't know if I could believe what was happening. I saw the guards release Ezra in the back of the church. I saw him fall against the wall like he just lost me forever. I saw his beautiful eyes in the distance turn red. I saw his face. there it was again. That same look like I lost puppy when he found out I was pregnant. There it was. I knew I broke him to the point of no return. But it's for the best. I loved him too much and I needed to let him go. Let him go forever. I needed to move on with my life and so did he. the pastor gets back to talking.

"Throughout life you will meet one person who is unlike any other. You can talk to this person for hours and never get bored, you can tell them things and they won't judge you. This person is your soulmate, your best friend, your world. And when you meet the person who has seen you at your worst and still stuck by your side. has saved you from not only physical pain but mental pain. someone who kisses you in the rain like in the movies and the whole world stops for a moment just for you. and if they hold you freezing cold no matter what and wouldn't have it any other way don't ever let them go." I heard the pastor said I looked out and saw Ezra begin to leave. the words hit me like a song. I looked back at Andrew.

ooooooooohh what's going to happen next. Not sure. You all asked for Ezra to stop the wedding he did. But for how long? Be ready for tomorrow.

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