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as we drove past thousands of tall, dark green trees, i couldn't help but feel a sense of peace wash over me. the gentle patter of raindrops against the car's window added to the tranquility of the moment, and i found myself lost in thought.

     watching a single dewdrop drizzle down the glass, i was struck by the simple beauty of the moment. it was moments like this that made me feel truly alive, connected to the natural world around me and all its secrets.

as we journeyed on, the atmosphere in the car grew increasingly tense. my sister wednesday had been avoiding our parents for the entire trip, and her icy demeanor was beginning to wear on all of us. sensing the growing tension, our mother morticia finally spoke up, addressing my sister in a calm, measured tone.

"darling," morticia said, turning her attention to wednesday. "how much longer do you intend to give us the cold shoulder?"

     wednesday remained silent, her eyes fixed resolutely on the passing scenery outside the window. i could sense the hurt and frustration in my mother's voice, and i wished there was something i could do to ease the tension between them.

despite the unease in the car, i couldn't help but appreciate the beauty of the views. the lush, green forests and rolling hills held a sense of peace and serenity that soothed my nerves, even in the midst of the brewing family conflict.

     as the car came to a halt, i gazed up at the towering walls of nevermore academy, feeling a sense of trepidation wash over me. my sister and i were being shipped off to this institution, which had been founded over two centuries ago in 1791. it was an academic institution that specialized in nurturing outcasts, freaks, and monsters - a place where our family would fit in perfectly.

"winona," wednesday said, her voice as nonchalant as ever. "would you please remind our dear parents that i am no longer speaking to them?"

i let out an exasperated sigh, feeling the weight of the family dispute pressing down on me once again. despite my irritation, i knew i couldn't refuse my sister's request.

"call it a gut feeling, but i believe wednesday doesn't wish to speak with you," i responded, forcing my lips into a thin line. i stared blankly at anything other than the people surrounding me, feeling increasingly claustrophobic in the cramped vehicle.

     my parents exchanged a pained glance, and for a moment, the tension in the car was palpable. it was clear that they were hurt by wednesday's refusal to speak to them, and i couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt. but at the same time, i knew that my sister had her reasons for her actions, even if they weren't readily apparent to anyone else.

as twins, my sister and i were noticeably different in appearance. while we shared the same blood type and clothing style, our faces, personalities, and interests were strikingly diverse.

     wednesday possessed an outgoing nature, with a penchant for dramatic flair and a sharp wit that often left people either amused or intimidated. her expressive features were framed by plaited raven-black hair that contrasted sharply against her fair skin.

on the other hand, i was more reserved and introspective, preferring the company of books and my violin to that of people. my face was softer and more delicate, with almond-shaped brown eyes that had a hint of golden-orange in them, and long, straight, black hair that i typically styled in a simple half-updo. i favored comfortable and modest clothing, often choosing long-flowing dresses or skirts paired with cozy cardigans or oversized sweaters all of them black of course.

✓ | 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐒, larissa weemsWhere stories live. Discover now