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as we trampled through the forest, i cringed at the sounds of crackling leaves beneath my feet and the squelch of mud with every step. the darkness of the night only added to the eeriness, with only the stars in the black sky providing any light. the scent of dampness and mold filled the air, while the aroma of freshly cut grass irritated my nose.

     i couldn't shake off the feeling that whoever left the anonymous message was leading us into a trap. but, true to form, my sister ran headfirst into it without a second thought.

"would you both hurry up, we're wasting time," wednesday groaned, speeding ahead of me and enid. i glared up at her, feeling my bones quiver with anger at the way she was speaking to us both. her tone was cold and filled with rage, annoyed that we had even bothered to join her on this wild goose chase.

i couldn't believe that she had the audacity to speak to us like that, especially after everything that had happened. I gritted my teeth and tried to keep my cool, but my fists were clenched so tight that my nails dug into my palms.

     enid, always the peacemaker, tried to reason with wednesday, but it was no use. she was in one of her moods again, and there was no stopping her. i took a deep breath and followed behind, silently cursing the day that i ever agreed to go on this ridiculous mission with them.

i cursed under my breath, regretting my choice of footwear as i stumbled through the darkness. every step was a challenge, as i struggled to maintain my balance on the uneven terrain. the fear of falling and injuring myself loomed over me, making me even more cautious with each step.

     i peered down at the ground, trying to make out any rocks or obstacles in my path. the darkness made it nearly impossible, and i squinted my eyes in an attempt to see better. but it was no use; my heels kept sinking into the soft soil, and i found myself constantly readjusting my footing.

"i should have worn different shoes," i muttered to myself, my frustration mounting with every passing moment. the sound of my heels clicking against the ground echoed through the forest pathway, and i winced, realizing that i was probably alerting anyone within a mile radius of our presence.

enid looked at me in shock and disbelief, "oh my god, why are you wearing heels?" i replied, shaking her head, "no reason."

in truth, i had worn the heels for larissa and had simply forgotten to take them off. i needed the added height to match larissa's stature, but i couldn't exactly explain that to her roommate without exposing our relationship. i could feel enid's eyes on me, silently judging me for my choice of footwear.

with a huff, wednesday let out a snide remark directed at me. "you should've done a lot of things differently." i stopped in my tracks, the anger in her words clearly directed at me. knitting my eyebrows together, i glared at my sister in disgust. how dare she speak to me like that? i didn't need her judgement on top of everything else going on.

"what was that supposed to mean?" i retorted, matching her angry tone. everyone came to a halt, realizing i was a few feet behind. wednesday turned around and began taking a few angry stomps in my direction.

"what was that supposed to mean?" i repeated, my voice rising in anger. "you always have something negative to say, don't you? why don't you just say it to my face?" i lowered my voice speaking in a stern tone.

enid stepped in between us, trying to diffuse the tension. "guys, can we please just focus on finding the crypt? bickering isn't going to help us." but, of course, wednesday wouldn't let it go.

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